American Wirehair Cat

Weight: 8-11 lbs.

Coloring - American Wirehairs are medium-sized cats and come in many different colors and patterns.

Eyes - Deep blue, brilliant gold, odd-eyed, greeen, blue-green or hazel. Brilliant gold is the most common, although eye color relates to coat color.

Overall Appearance - The American Wirehair is a spontaneous mutation. The coat, which is springy, dense, and resilient, but also coarse and hard to the touch, distinguishes the American Wirehair from all other breeds.

Personality - Pet owners delight with their quiet, resserved and loving ways.

Breed Fact - The American Wirehair breed is uniquely American. It began as a spontaneous mutation in a litter of upstate New York farm cats in 1966. A spontaneous mutation is an uncommon, although not rare, happening which occurs when two ordinary cats come together and as a result of their mating, a kitten unlike its parents or littermates is born.

CFA American Wirehair Standard

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