
Bronchitis: Inflammation of the bronchial tubes, of which the symptoms are depression, chills, coughing, and loss of appetite. The most common kind of bronchitis is caused by respiratory diseases. Treatment is to keep the cat in a room at constant temperature and to give it expectorants. Chronic bronchitis is a typical disease of old cats. Such cases are mostly treated by the giving of expectorants and sedatives in an effort to avoid the development of asthma. A serious complication is bronchial pneumonia, which is particularly grave because the infection attacks the lung tissue. The cat appears depressed, has a dry cough, high fever, quickened breathing, and loss of appetite with increased thirst. The services of a vet are absolutely necessary. Drugs and antibiotics may bring about recovery in two weeks, but the cat will need a period of convalescence in a dry place, with a light diet of foods particularly to its liking.

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