Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is energy medicine?

A. According to Caroline Myss, energy medicine is a holistic philosophy that teaches, "I am responsible for the creation of my health.  I therefore participated, at some level, in the creation of this illness.  I can participate in the healing of this illness by healing myself, which means simultaneously healing my emotional, psychological, physical and spiritual being."

Q. What is QXCI Biofeedback?

A. The QXCI (Quantum Xxroid Consciousness Interface System) is a painless, non invasive state of the art evoked potential biofeedback system for stress detection and stress reduction. 

Q. How does the QXCI work?

A. We know is is helpful to bring the physical body back in balance for health and longevity.  We are less aware of how essential it is to bring the energetic body back into balance.  It is like strengthening the roots of the tree so the fruits of that tree are healthier and more abundant.  The QXCI system helps to reduce your stress and anxiety, promoting improved health and longevity.

Q. How much does it cost?

A. The first session is $70 and follow-up visits are $60.

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Name: Paula Neys