
I carve into you.
Creating the crevasses in each part of you.
I created you and those eyes.
I created the pain you feel and the happiness you don't.
I have taken away from you the creativeness you had once upon a time ago.
I gave you those tears stained upon those cheeks.
Soft and white innocently hurt.
I made those lips speak words of pain and sorrow.
I forced the word SUICIDE into your heart and out in bursts of rage.
I shaved the scars on your wrists
and the stares it cost you.
Am I sorRy you ask?
You shouldn't have been so happy before.
I didn't want to see you smile and to love.
I crave the pain inside of me to be released.
Through you?
Through me?
It's easier this way.
You'll thank me later.
For the lessons learned and the pain you'll conquer and the revenge you'll seek.
You'll thank me as I plead.