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Complete skill sheets on time for your "Participation Points"

You may do your work on another sheet of paper.  If you choose to do this, your worksheet must be stapled to the skill sheet when it is collected.

Grade for each sheet needs to be 80% or better.
If you do poorly on a sheet, you may redo that sheet to improve your grade. 
You may redo any sheet at any time for a better score.

To Redo a Skill Sheet....
If you made a lot of mistakes, get a new sheet and start fresh. 
(Ask for help if needed)

If you made a few mistakes, get a new sheet and just redo the ones you got wrong. 
It must be stapled to the original sheet when you turn it in.
*If you only made a couple mistakes, you can redo the problems on the same sheet
and turn it back in.  Write "re-check" at the top.

At the end of each quarter, your Basic Skill percentage is factored in
as 10% of your class grade.
Reveal a Historical Fact

Cross Number Puzzle

Sum Number Search

What's the Difference? Search

What a Mix Up?

59 Errors

Secret Code Time

Monster Mystery

Did You Hear? Riddles


MORE "Did Your Hear?"

Hidden Q & A  #1

Hidden Q & A  #2

Compare Integers

Add/Subtract Integers

Above and Below Sea Level

Adding Integers

Take It Away

Up & Down the Number Line

Electrically Charged

Multiplying Integers

Dividing Integers

Different But Equal

Get Your Prime Factors Here
Solve It In Order

What Do We Have In Common?

How Low Can You Go?

Denominator Twins

How Do They Compare?

Proper Conversions

Total These

Step By Step Sums

Sum Mix

Mixed Bag

Which Part is Left?

Step By Step Subtraction

Mixed Number Differences

Pieces of a Whole

Fraction Subtraction Stew

Fraction Action

Products From Parts

Petite Products

Cancel It

Unmix and Multiply

Power Products

How Many Fractional Parts

Mixed Up Numbers

Division Drill
Fabulous Fractions

Pizza Pieces

Decimal Number Names

Find the Place Value

Round 'em Up / Down

Compare the Decimals

Sensible Sums/Difference

"Sum" Special Decimals

Special Dec. Differences

Vertical Solutions

Rainfall Riddles

Where's the Point?

Predict the Products

Divide w/ Decimal Dog

Point Movers

Zeroing In Dec. Division

Meaning of Percent

Simplified Percents

Many Names-One Amount

I'll Take a Percentage

What's the Discount?

All About Shapes

Same, Similar, Different?

Moving Around