What has happened to our Children

What has happened to our children,

I can not hear them play.

Where are all our children,

have they gone away.

Where are all the simple things

that brought us all such joy,

the shouting and the laughter

of a little girl or boy.

When did we stop to wonder

at the beauty of this earth.

All that matters now it seems

is what a thing is worth.

We do not have the time today

to see the colour of a flower

or listen to the birds

singing in the morning hour.

We`ve lost the magic moment

so dear to every child,

seeing for the first time

a rabbit running wild.

Or watching as a snow flake falls

from high up in the sky

accepting all these precious things

and not to reason why.

Gone are the quiet times

when fairy tales were told,

they don`t amuse our children now

are they grown too old.

Have we learned too many things

about our world today

and for this new found wisdom

must our children pay.

by © Hilda (1960)

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