I really love my roller boots
They are yellow, red and blue
They match my helmet tight and smart
And the wheels are straight and true

I really love my roller boots
I feel so free - complete.
I could easily spend  all my life
With the boots upon my feet

I leap a kerb. I jump a crack
I spin and turn so fast
With these neat wheels and my control
I could never come in last

I sway my arms. I'm getting good.
My legs - they slightly bend
I'm coming to a tricky part.
I've nearly reached the end.

The path is great, it's smooth tarmac.
My speed increases still.
It stretches out ahead of me
I'm whizzing down the hill

It bends as well and swings around
With trees to form it curve.
Will I make it? Will I do it?
Will I make the swerve?

Last time I didn't, I scraped my legs.
The nettles made me sting.
I landed up against a stump
Cracking my head with a ring.

But I'm better now-I can bend right down
And lean real low and neat
I'VE PASSED IT! The bend has gone
And I'm still upon my feet !

I knew I'd do it - I dreamed it all
Last night when in my bed
I just had to try so that I could fly
In  my boots of yellow, blue red.