A Lone bird
A Desire
A Winter morning
Ripples of Change
The Sea



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Youth is a


That wafts

To the wind of love,

Basks in the

Sunshine of hope

And floats on the

Turbulent waves of



Youth is a

Welcome arch

For days of bliss;

Youth is an


Horizon of opportunities….

Nay, youth is

A kaleidoscope of

Succulent dreams.



A Lone bird


At midnight

A lone bird cries

When the din and bustle

Of urban life dies;

The bird’s cry

Sounds mysterious.

Does it pour out

Its tragic tale

For an unknown poet

To translate it,

Or does it lament

Over the poet’s weakness

To be heard aloud himself

In this strife-ridden world?




A Desire


Whenever a flower


It takes care

To look smart, fresh,

Pleasing and memorable;

For it knows

It blooms only once

During its sojourn on earth.


Why should I not,

When my poetic feelings

Gush to the surface,

Produce pearls of excellence

For all to treasure?




A Winter morning


Mist engulfs the landscape

And nothing is visible,

And signs of flora and fauna

Are hardly legible.


Sun exerts itself

To drive away the mist;

It wants to rule the earth

With a strong fist.


Soon the veil of mist is torn

And hills are seen,

And boughs and leaves

Glitter with sheen.


And the valley echoes

The shrill notes of birds,

And standing crops

Whisper melodious words.


The world that lay hidden

Is now in limelight,

And its unfolding splendour

Causes sheer delight.



Ripples of Change


Nobody can prevent

The birth of a thought,

Idea or an ambition;

So, let it rise freely

Like a rising sun

In full glare and glamour

And create ripples

Of change around!





The Sea


The vastness of sea

Expands my vision;


The surging waves

Raise my expectations;


The innumerable sand grains on the beach

Keep my heartbeats ticking;


The unfathomable depths

Inspire me to dive deeper into the self;


And the distant horizon

Ever beckons me as I progress.