On Jan. 25, 02, a Homeless male revealed to me, his name to protect him is "Eugene," that he had just left Needles, Ca., where he stayed in that area's Agape House, a religious sect that ENSLAVES primarily Homeless persons. KINDA LIKE CHARLES MANSON DID. While there, one is required to work on outside work assignments, all their pay given to the Agape House. This whoredom in Christianity's name, is run by a board of Needles. Ca., local leaders, including the minister of the local Methodist Church, the supposed prestigious church of that Needles, Ca., area. Eugene told me, he had to drive the Agapes House truck to deliver workers to their job site, and on returning was given a citation for having a canceled Virginia state license and not a California one. A missing tail light had attracted the officers attention. Eugene said in a meeting with JUDGE BRISCO, the judge stated he would fix the license matter and the tail light matter, but that the open container citation, Eugene had on him, normally would cost $395.00 in fine plus court costs, but he finally agreed to fix that if Eugene would do 26 hours of community service.  Which he did at the Needles Assembly Of God Church, Pastor Lamb* officiating.  WHAT HAPPENED TO SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE? ? Now consider what Judge Brisco did to me, during my stay in Needles, Ca., On Jan. 29,01, I was arrested and jailed overnight without being read my Miranda rights, more illegally, because I was not sent a citation to appear in his court. Public Defender Mr. Bright, later verified, no citation sent! I was charged with finally, Disturbing The  Peace in an incident, designed to discredit me in the community. The Judge should be investigated, arrested, disbarred and imprisoned. I can assure you, he is an addict of drugs, and that Louis Bravo, his benefactor in that matter. The Needles, ca. Taliban./ At my trial, a red haired sheriff's deputy greeted Mr. Bravo in court, affectionately shaking his hand, as we stood at the table assembling before Judge Brisco. He apparently is the son of Mrs. Demarious Carter-Zio, 218 H St. Needles, Ca.,  who until recently, I considered active in cleaning up Needles of its corruption. They have now blocked my emails to them. (Before I left, I entrusted to her, 57 handcrafted pins, each unique and gave her some prints, which I think may be valueable. Recently, I sent her a priority stamped envelope asking that she return the pins to me. I wait.) *Pastor Lamb distributes Assembly Of God brought in foodstuffs on each Saturday. He simply opens the doors, and a uncontrolled mob is allowed to come in and grab what they want. Any disabled get the then scraps leftover. Richard Miere, his volunteer, told me, that one Sunday, an underage girl approached Pastor Lamb at his podium, after church services, demanded he give her 50 cents and touched him inappropiately. His wife is a local Needles Schoolteacher. / In a separate matter, or is it?, my above arrest was caused by a Needles Sheriff Deputy Officer name of Robert Richards, according to Jim Morris, Bravo's right hand worker, Roberts brother, also an officer, Ron Richards, some years ago, took a rifle, and gunned down a local resident, named Hobo Joe. Morris said, Richards shot him nine times, including one execution style in his forehead to finish him off. This was never investigated. His counsin, Asst. mgr. librairian, Terry Anderson at Needles, Ca., San Bernardino County Library, for months sent me threatening emails, if I should reveal this. There is no Federal Statute of Limitations for Murder.
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Eugene told me, Judge Brisco lives in a mansion.
Name: on the Colorado river near the golf course.
Email: Me?, He forced me to become Homeless.