INDIO, CA., IS A CAJONES FREE ZONE! This explains why! I have been chased by local street working girls trying to solicit. What of their children in this area?, simple, families elsewhere who have too many, send them here. Apparently, it is a genetic trait, which explains in this heavily Hispanic populated area,  why the local city government is all White. Does that explain streets with potholes and cracks big enough to swallow feet? At Jackson St. bridge is a burned out restaurant that has been there for years. THIS LETTER TO EDITOR was emailed Apr 30, 02: "I WONDER WHY INDIO, CA. hasnt granted the area into a railroad park, just this side of the Jackson Street bridge with its really old speciman palm trees (across from the Brown Jug liquor store). Across the railroad tracks is an old historic 2 story train repair building which could house an antique or older train and be a gated railroad museum. Next to it is a wilderness vacant lot for parking or other similar attractions. There are train buffs, nationally that would come to watch trains, some from across the globe. There are associations on the worldwide web that list those sites. There are hundreds of thousands in grants governmental and associative for such projects. Suggest they contact Maggie McShan at Needles Regional Musuem in Needles, Ca., since they are accomplishing this for their historic depot. The wall mural by the Indio Motel 6 is wonderful, and draws vacationing Europeans who photograph it. Perhaps more could be planned. Downtown Indio Could Prosper! Jerry E. Barta, Poet-Gardener.: Yesterday, at the Indio City Hall, I talked to a Channel 3 TV reporter, about this idea, but he and his cameraman fled before I could give them a copy, perhaps, the no cajones problem is contagious! I still have mine. J.B.
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