Well, welcome to my site!  I know.. I know, it doesn't look the best in the world, but I'm not trying to impress anyone!  I don't have a whole lot of time, so don't expect a whole lot of upates.  I'll try and work on it when I can, but Austin keeps me pretty busy.  Oh, right, *smacks self*.. Austin is my precious baby boy.  He was born December 27th, 2004, and boy was he a chunker, still is for that matter!  But anyway, below, you'll find some links to pages I've made for myself, my son, and my friends.. there's also a very elaborate 'about me' page if anyone really cares.. :)  You'll notice I *LOVE* Winnie The Pooh, so most of my pages will have that loveable bear on 'em.. he's just so cute!  I hope you enjoy my page, if there's anything you think I need to add/change, tell me about it.. ENJOY!!
Tribue Page To Mom