We try so hard to cover our flaws because society has told us for so long that perfect is pretty--perfect is beautiful, and flaws need to be fixed.

We wear makeup to try to convince ourselves that we're happy with who we are when that is rarely the case.  We make ourselves inferior not only to the other gender, but to each other as well.  We're so busy trying to please others that we often forget how to please ourselves--and sometimes we ignore what we want for such a long time that we even forget who we really are--portraying, instead, what we think everyone else wants to see, whether that's fact or fiction.

But underneath it all--all the eyeshadow, all the makeup, we are women, girls, who are beautiful...but we cannot convince ourselves of that--and the closest we come is 'almost.'

Under my makeup, I am almost beautiful.  Even as I type this, I laugh--because, for whatever reasons, I don't believe it to be true.

Maybe it stems from my past, maybe it stems from my present, maybe it stems from my fear of the uncertainty of the future--but whatever the reason, it's there... this gnawing sense of self doubt, and I know that it will never go away.

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