(continue from page  of shout outs)

Tara: You are the best damn cousin I have, I know I can always call you up and talk to you and you'll help me! THANKS! And frick can't you stay at one job for over a month? You always quit. You must be really good at interviews now., you go soo much! Anyway you are the best and your not fricken fat! You're fricken skinny. I love you soo much. And i am SO visiting you in Spain! I'll fricken pay for it myself if i have to!

Jen: You can be soo annoying but you're cool when your not. You're actually pretty fun. Anyway you rock dude keep up the high marks in school, you are like my idol! Man you Rock at like everything:( Even at basket ball and you're short as hell:) hehe lol love you dude

Sara: You are soo cool and i respect you in SO many ways. I hope your kid grows up to be as cool as you and i hope (and wish) that you would seriously get some good $ so you wouldn't have to move out of your apartement and have your kid not being able to have good stuff to play with.  And i will visit you!

Katie M: I'm going to miss you next year! Bus won't be the same. The word chick annoys you soo much it's funny. Anytime you need me i'm just a phone call away! And a short bike ride as well! Man you're like a little sister to me. Hugging you is fun too:) Well have fun in grade 8 next year...It's going to be a bit easier then 7th grade!

Sabrina: Dude you RoCK!Seriously. And your brother's friend there um what's his name, not brad that other REALLY annoying kid who had the biggest ego. I forget but he was a pain in my ass! I just wanted to punch his teeth out so he would stop talking...never mind he'd still find a way around to talking. But dude if any kid bugs you down there i'll ride up there and help you hurt them.


Mitch: Hehe you're the best and you're the sweetest!           Robbie:  Hope your happy. You've been nagging me 
The movie was full of old people lol! It was a pretty            constantly to put your name here and make your     
good movie though even if it was a sort of chick flick.       thingy extra long. Dude that was soo funny when     
God Dayna and Julie are SO annoying. We hardly got        you said 'Go In!' That sounded SO dirty! Lol and  
our 'private time' lol I can't believe that you went to           you're like my personal trainer. I learn everything 
Baptist! Hehe and I met you at golf...wierd. Buick             from you! Dude you rock. And at your birthday
open sucked! Figures I go when it rains. But it was            party. I can't believe you blew up a DEAD bird! Then
fun because i seen you there! :) it's fun talking to             you burried it...UNDER A ROCK! Frick after the
you:) You're the best!                                                      pain you've caused that birds body you should be
                                                                                   like putting it in a casket and everything! You are
                                                                                    soo cruel. Don't forget, Katanah sword, or however
                                                                                    you spell it. I'm soo going to miss you next year.
                                                                                   It's not going to be the same without you there.
                                                                                   WHY CAN'T YOU GO TO VILLANOVA. Dammit
                                                                                    i wish you would go to VillaNova. Then we would
                                                                                 have so much fun beating up people and each other
.                                                                                I fricken love you like a brother. You rock!
                                                                                 You and Mitch are first! Happy?! You are the only                                                                                         visitor that ever checks my site:) Yay!

Sandro:Party's are fun when you're there, you're really cool to talk to:) It's fun to talk to you, you actually have something similar to me to say:) Yay! You're fun! It's funny watching your expression when girls are all over you...You're a really good artist...i'm jealous hehe. Four squares fun with you and Robbie. We team up, it's funny. Then everyone gets pissed. Have fun at LaJeuness you better still talk to me! Sorry about forgetting to add...i made your thing long. Anyway yeah...You're little SISTER IS SO CUTE! She looks so innocent. Man you remember in grade six when we had to go to that old folks home? Hehe that was fun. I don't recall what we got on that:S Yeah fun times...hope theres more...so yeah there's you're shout out thing

Josh: I'm your *new* bestfriend! lol you rock and Krystal is soo cool, she rocks. Don't break up with her (I doubt you will) But hey i'm just telling you. But you seriously kick ass! Stay out of trouble dude! And i don't know how many times i'm going to say this But THANKS FOR EVERYTHING JOSH. Man i love you so much

Ryan: You are soo Cool with your 'you should try this lighter the flame is like this high' lol that kicked major ass!
Lol you rock and you are SO good at massages! Lol you rock dude!

David W: You are soo awesome to fight with!:) It's so fun having debates and being against you:) The teachers hate having debates now that i speak my mind and you disagree with me ALL THE TIME! :) It's fun

David M: You're really nice and you shouldn't worry about friends! You're a great guy and you'll meet the right people. And a really hot chick will like you for you! And anybody hurts you i'll kick them for you and beat the shit outta them

Cody : You're funny but you should atleast warn me when you're going to jump on me! It hurts...the ground is hard you know! Meh, you're cool and if you ever need to talk (which i doubt you will anyway) i'm here. And I thought you and Jackie made a real great couple...wish you two could've lasted. Cody don't die on me...if you die i'll come PISS ON YOUR GRAVE:) So don't die...i don't like pissing in public. Thanks for listening. And you know to much now...! Damn you. Please don't tell anyone or i will hurt you! AND STOP TELLING THOSE STORIES *tear* And my cat KING is so much better then your dumb dog:P hehe 

Brodie: You're really nice and cool! Dude you're soo funny in class when you're mocking the teachers especially Biddle. Haha you rock!
This is my favorite dolly, I wish she was a doll, i would so buy her:)