About me!
Well, i'm thirteen turning fourteen in september um...i'm a girl...i don't know...grade 8! I like writting poetry or stories, drawing gory pictures (or atleast freaky ones), singing, and i love cats:) I'm going to marry happy bunny one day!lol Sacha. I hate when people disciminate or are stereotypical, racist ect... I hate when people look at you with a 'you shouldn't be able to walk around here in our presence' look while walking around at the mall. I enjoy scaring people or embarrassing them. 'Sacha what's this?' holding up a whip thing used for sex. I like punk music and some metal did i mention i love Sacha? Lol we rock we updated our sites at school:) I'm more concentrated on others...other then me. Infact i'd rather think of others. I hate people who are homophobics, or people who can't accept other beliefs on religions. And yes...don't know what else to put...

I adopted a cute lil' poison fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!