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Sheaves of Grass **A Collection of Poems
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Come join the family at Sheaves of Grass.
We are always looking for quality original poetry.
  Yours may be featured next week.
Poetry KK/A Beginning/2002
Copyright            (1998, 1999, 2000, 2002) poetrykk/Sheaves of Grass

Any questions regarding this site or it's activity is welcome, email me at
From K. Violet: I have been working on this site for a year.  It has grown moss, gotten chipped, lost parts of itself, and been reborn many times.  I welcome it as a part of my life.  Writing is like breathing to me.  I am honored to share my artistic endeavors with you, and those of my friends and associates.  Many people have helped me along the way.  I want to thank them all.  I hope the world discovers this space and joins us.  Together, myself, those people who see a seedling worth watering, and all who may bask in the glory of our tree's shade, we all bring this precious thing to life.  Write me with your comments.
The staff of poetrykk welcomes your thoughts.
November 2002
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