My heart is home
When I'm with you

You've taken my broken dreams
My hopes are born anew

In the shelter of your arms
I find a sweet release

No more alone within my fears
I've found a lasting peace

Will I wake to find you gone
Could this be just a dream?

What have I done to be so blessed
With this love, so fresh and clean?

Within your hands I am but clay
To shape and mold as you see fit

I gaze into your eyes with trust
As at your feet I sit

I give my heart and life to you
You wipe away the tears

This gift from God grows evermore
Throughout the coming years

As we grow old and we look back
On a life that's filled with love

We'll thank the Master's Mighty Hand
For blessings from above.

by Patrice Vicory©

I wrote this poems for my daughter, Melissa and her love is dedicated to them both.
