Vegitto's Art

Name : Vegitto
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Here is Vegitto's fine art ^^. I don't know how to make thumbnails just yet, so bear with me.

Vegitto from Dragon Ball-Z ((Very funky indeed ^^. Keep it up, Vegi !))

SS4 Vegitto from Dragon Ball-Z ((I love the expression on his face. Hehe))

SS2 Vegitto from Dragon Ball-Z ((An other fine peice or art by Vegitto ^^.. Keep it up !))

SSJ2 Vegitto from Dragon Ball-Z I drew this, and my friend Silver Buu666 colored it. ((Wow Vegi, you surely are improoving. Good team work, you 2 !!! ^^))

Knuckles from Sonic My first computer drawn pic (( Beautiful work, Vegi !!! ^^))

Gogeta from Dragon Ball-Z ((Absolutly Spiffy... ^^))

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