Sometimes while studying and reading, something comes along that makes you sit back and chuckle and makes you go hmmmm?  My friend Bro. Nelson King always says "you gotta have a little fun with this stuff", Well Bro. King, check this out!!! *smile* 

"In Egypt, on the desert plateau of Saqqara 10 miles southeast of the Great Pyramid, five very similar pyramids have survived for some forty two centuries. They are filled inside with over four thousand vertical columns of hieroglyphs, cut into their solid rock walls.   These are the Pyramid Texts which appear quite suddenly in just two centuries between 2356 BC and 2152 BC. They are found mostly in the 5th Dynasty pyramid of King Un-is and the 6th Dynasty pyramids of Teti, Pepi I, Merenr'a and Pepi II." 
(Pyramid Texts)

A statement is located in the pyramid of TETI on the west wall of the Sarcophagus Chamber the hieroglyphics look like this:


These hieroglyphics say:
"Said were the words: Such a Teti is that which is set apart, which is as in front of the face, which raises the forehead, a Star for which the gods bow down, because of which the Universe trembles and it is Teti's control which will lift him up."

It breaks down in English like this:
a. djed medu Teti pu djeser imi khenet tjezez hat

djed 'Said' (in the Sarcophagus Chamber facing West)
medu 'were the words:'
Teti pu 'Such a Teti' 
djeser 'is that which is set apart,' 
imi 'which is
khenet 'in front of the face,' 
tjezez 'which raises'  
hat 'the forehead,'  

Said (in the Sarcophagus Chamber facing West) were the words: Such a Teti is that which is set apart, which is as in front of the face, which raises the forehead,
b. seba kesesu en ef netjeru sedau en ef pesedjeti

seba 'a Star'
en ef 'for which'  
netjeru 'the gods'
kesesu 'bow down,'  
en ef 'because of which'  
pesedjeti 'the Universe' 
sedau  'trembles'  

a Star for which the gods bow down, because of which the Universe trembles
c. in djeret Teti utjez es su

in  'and it is'
djeret Teti 'Teti's control' 
utjez es su 'which will lift him up.' 

and it is Teti's control which will lift him up.

The expression imi khenet 'which is as' 'in front of the face' is telling us exactly where this Star consciousness is seemingly set apart. Throughout the Pyramid Texts, khenet always refers to this frontal location which is 6 inches (or two sevenths of a cubit) before the brow.

The Star is an 'ensouling Star', because seba also means 'that which ensouls' This frontal Star is obviously not an astronomical star, because of its location as well as its power to cause the Universe to tremble.  Teti's control (of staring at the Star) is what will lift him (his mortal consciousness) up (to the level of the Star consciousness).

WOW!!!  Just think my Bro's,
Stareing at a STAR ;-) will lift your mortal consciousness!!  
Yes Indeed!!!   LOL!!!  I love it!!

Now of course we all know, there is a much deeper meaning to this, but just as  Bro. Nelson says, "You gotta have a little fun with this stuff".   When we lose the ability to laugh and have fun,   We're done!!!

Remaining Prayerful,
Sis. Joyce Reaves

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