Drinking Game:

Before we begin I feel compelled to make the following suggestions:

Do no attempt this game on your own.  Alcohol poisoning can be fatal.  Always play this game with a reasonable sized group (around 4) and make sure some one stays sober with a first-aid kit, just in case.  Do not try and play this game for any more than 4 episodes in a row, and if you do, play with soft drinks as opposed to alcohol. (You'll still get drunk.)  Allow 7 days for recovery between each game. 

That over, here is the basic idea:  You read the Rules listed below, fill up your glass and get going! 
The winter is the person who can still find, identify and use BOTH of their OWN feet at the end of the allotted episodes.

HOME: Back to the  Main Page, to remind yourself why you're here…….

THE LINKS…. All the sites I think are worth checking out.  Or  something…..

ALDA'S PAGE: Let our PMS driven Lady Guyver answer all those odd questions, like why DO women watch the Guyver?

BIO PAGE:  The biographies of my two fictional Guyvers.