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This is the home site of the Washington UFO Watch Group which is dedicated to bring all interested parties together in the research of detecting, witnessing and photographing UFOs during the day and night. We are equipped with the highest of technology available and have had hundreds of successful sightings in the past. We are now interested in sharing this technology with like minded people who are serious in finding out more about the UFO phenomenon.

Brian Zerr, noted Seattle Ufologist and Director of Washington UFO Watch, has been lecturing in the Seattle area on a variety of subjects from conspiracies to ufos. For more information on scheduling a lecture or attending a public lecture, drop us a request with the e-mail address below.

If you are interested in joining us and live in the Seattle area, please e-mail us at the address below. More to come! E-mail us: here! and be sure to visit TruthNet for the latest news about UFOs, conspiracies, mysteries and more.

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The Washington UFO Watch
POB 97, Renton, Wash. 98057