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D. W. I.'s
Mothers Against Drunk Drivers.....  M.A.D.D.
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The following photos are not meant to shock,they are the TRUTH.These are just a few of the D.W.I. accidents that have killed citizens of Polk County.
The driver of this car was intoxicated. He was passing another car on a double yellow line and hit an innocent couple head on, killing the husband.
Note :
The beer can on the front page was thrown into the ditch by the driver, along with his other beer, to hide the evidence of his drinking.
In the five year period,1994 through 1998, 8576 people died in alcohol related accidents between Thanksgiving and New Years.That is just a little over a one month period.If you think about it,that is a lot of unhappy holidays.
The rider of this motorcycle was an unfortunate victim.He was attending a C.M.A.(Christian Motorcycle Association) rally when he was run over by an intoxicated driver of a pickup truck.
In 1998,  15,935 people were killed in alcohol related accidents. Think about that a moment. What would you do if you awoke one morning and the entire population of Mena,Hatfield,Cove,Wickes and Grannis had been killed? You would be outraged, wanting someone to do something about it. But, because the DWI victims are killed one at a time, we don't notice it as much.
Everyone in Law Enforcement knew the driver of this small pickup truck.We had all dealt with him in one way or another numerous times. And even though we had to arrest him on different occasions, we all liked him. One night he had too much to drink, and with others passengers in the truck, he tried to take a curve too fast,rolling the truck over.
The Polk County Deputies,the Arkansas State Police,the Mena Police Officers and the Grannis Police Officers try very hard to stop the DWI drivers before they have a chance to kill again. But ,as hard as they all try,it is up to you and all your friends not to drive intoxicated. Find a designated driver to go with you when you are heading to a party. If you are already there,find someone or call someone to come and get you. Risking yours or someone else's life isn't worth it.

Plus the penalties for a DWI are getting larger every year.Believe me,you can't afford them. Remember, 0.10 is DWI for an adult, 0.02 is DUI for a minor(under 21). That is about one drink. DUI for a minor carries the same penalties as DWI for an adult.

Take a moment to think,are you really ready to risk everything to get behind that wheel and drive? For mine and my family's sake,
I Hope Not.
The Fourth of July ended sadly for the lady driving this pickup truck.She was killed after striking a bridge and some trees.She had been drinking, celebrating the 4th.