Clinging to the reef
in coldness
grief settles in for the stay
waiting like a buzzard
circling ever circling
on watch for that last struggle
breath in then
out then in and
no more then
down for gouging the eyes
feasting on the gore
dark beak rising
winds have blown by
and hurricanes have ripped the tide
hands gripping the reef have borne their time
with desparate grasps
and held on through it all
bleeding and torn
maintaining a grip
weathering the storm
but now as the sun arrives on the scene
and calm waters lap gentle as kittens caress on the beach
the burning heat is too much to bear
and bubbles rise to the azure surface
clouds of mist depart
a greying curtain rising for the buzzards flight
a sea gull wails keen upon the wind
bearing witness to the sinking of a heart


Among soft sands of memories
We climb the dunes to scour our sunburned bodies
With a heat borne of years of loving, knowing, and yearning for one another
We tumble through sheets of warm rain
Trembling in the coolness of the twilight touching our skin
Marveling at the way we fit together, here
Away from reality
Should we become mired in the storms of our seas
We will survive together
On wings of mist we will rise above the hurricane
Into the opened arms of the quivering night we shall joyously disappear

Howza bout the buffet?
sorry you are missing my music

© by Sheryl McCurdy
© by Sheryl McCurdy