They came into our world

smelling of new suits neatly creased

and well polished shoes

that tapped as they walked down the corridors

whistling aimless tunes

they stormed the place and took us by surprise

sneakily camouflaged

warpaint transparent

we caught on too late

our home, our abode, was well worn with time

so they added on and added on until...cracks began to form

then pseudosorrow oozing from their pores

they took a mallet, brought it down

the splinters flew

"Oh we'll make this a better place "

they gushed as they pissed on the shattered remains

then molded a new world from that mess

and we knew...never would it smell the same

not a home anymore

a shapeless place without the ones that really belong there

smells of suits and polish and piss

began to circulate

and people grew sick and left

and there a new world was made of old

but died for lack of love for it

by Sheryl McCurdy
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