She was a pink shell cupped to his ear
whispering soft pearls of iridescent melodies
bathing the silver haired man in the warmth of memories
she was there humming gently as he walked the lonely beach
a smile upon a weathered face at last
peace, at last
a driftwood fire sparkled and showered the night
like the fourth of July they met
he sat and listened to the voice of a wild rose
once again he kissed the bloom of her skin
caressed the bareness of her shoulder
held her tightly to him, and then
whispered goodnight
the lighthouse beacon jump roped through the air then disappeared
early rising dawn put up her glowing tresses
darkness lifted from a figure resting beside the embers of a fire
a smile upon a weathered face a shell against his ear
at peace, at peace at last

by Sheryl McCurdy

This poem was printed in
SpinningS...intense tales of life in the April-June 2002 issue.   This is a quarterly magazine and may be purchased online.  Please contact the Editor online or phone toll free 866-323-4166 for more information
Skyline Publications
P.O.  Box 295
Stormiville, NY 12582
Publisher/Editor:  Victoria Valentine

  ..the song of the sea is my voice...I shall never forget you my love...
Another of my poems appears in the April skyline!
Click below to see another one of  my poems featured in the April Skyline issue
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