<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/ponipoetry/teachyourchildrenwell.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>


Waking bedheaded too late
hearing the disgruntled ranting below
first floor kitchen squabbles
already in mid throe
I jumped up as quickly as my creaking would allow
mumbling as I stumbled bleary downstairs
smelling the nose wrinkling scent of burning
something a bit overdone I thought
opened the door and was hit full force
three kids screaming and yelling and of course
half the neighborhood here as well
just waiting ...for what I wondered...
then I saw the signs scattered on the floor
beside crayons and markers and a few dollars
Breakfast for sale in here!
Cheep eggs and pancakes
Come and get it
Oh dear...at once I knew the scam
my kids stopped their screaming and began with the pleading
We need help!
I opened my mouth to say Everyone Out! but
saw the floury painted face of my youngest
streak with a tiny tear...and didn't
instead I pasted a smile on my face
picked up a spatula
How do you like your eggs? I asked instead

by Sheryl McCurdy
Ya gotta love them kids!