The NEW Anna Blog

6/2/04 -Long time no blog, ay? Well I just wanna say that it's spirit week and the school actually asked us to dress up as what we wanted to be when we grow up, it wouldve served them right if I HAD dressed as a hooker, but I did not. Still way to much oppurtuninity was provided to the brainless masses. Now Scott looks like a nerd-o and just about all the rest of the Nerd Herd as they are called. Its pretty dang funny! One of he teachers dressed as an animal trainer w/ a whip (wonder WHY she had that in the FIRST place...) and kahki's and stuff and i was like "Wow ur going to train animals when you grow up?" I mean they can't really expect us to take this seriously. Cowboy/Farmer day yesterday was really hic day and I didnt even remember to dress up for that. This morning I didnt have any FBI, Webmaster (unless maybe I chose to look like John *_*) or Chef-like stuff so I put on all black and Navy blue and became a mystery woman. Man I wish I had worn my apron and a spatula that would've been too cool!!! I couldnt remember chef though! oh well this is retarded either way. And tomarrow is black and red day!!! oh man I wish I could barrow my cali bud's goth stuff, that would be WAY fun!!!!!! Retarded school.
Also I have decided that all skaters must die. they skaters stole my bench where I switch out of roller blades when I get to school everymorning.
At least I took my dog for a short run also I usually just put on my blades and go since I usually wait until i'm nearly late or already late to go. Getting the right hair takes awhile, especailly as you enter the fray of the school, though I can usually get people to not come to close. Stand up straight. Act like you own the place. Don't be the first out of the class. Act like you aren't actually terrified tat they will run you over. Ac like you arent really thinking about this and that your really thinking that your sexy. Act like you really are sexty. I've been blading and bike a lot and my legs are getting stronger, I think, I hope. I lost a little wieght since I've started working out every day, I can't believe I was actually surprised! I mean I expected to gain wieght when I rollerbladed and biked every day, so yeah it was pretty amazing that I was even capable of losing MORE weight. Dang. At least it was in time for promotion and not like ten puonds. Not to mention that there's already a nasty rumor that Im ANNEREXIC!!! I mean if this gets out... ug. The pooheads! I swear if I find out.. actually I already know who it was. My friends. They didnt mean to, but all the same, they did it! Idiots. haha Ohwell.
I can't believe my promotion dress is PINK of all colors! lol funniest dang thing I ever heard of. Ballerina dress! ME! Ahh who gives a crap what color it is, I look hot and that's what counts! TATA!

5/21/04- Hey there havent blogged in awhile, been busy! Going places doing things, SCHOOL ENDS IN 2 WEEKS!!!! Im so excited, my grades are moderately acceptable, so I think everything is just about in order!

5/14/04 Wow I cant believe Ive done all this blogging and havent even bothered w/ actually updating the Webcity. Kinda odd right? well I mean I cant update here that well so I don't bother I bet there are tons of faulty links I know the "home" link at the bottom is stupid, to get home go to In other news, Alanna won't be showing up for sometime I guess, dunno why, dun care, but she's not that interested right now, so Im kinda taking the comand at the moment. Anyways I got more time that usual, so I think I wil rant a little. Ok this girl in this class is such a grrr. I mean I showed her the ENGLILSH page and u know what? she didnt even smile! not at all. I cannot believe anyone wouldn't find it, though stupid, even a little funny. I mean LIGHTEN up! grawww! neway I g2g so c u lata.

5/13/04 I am happy b/c we are doing an html unit in my tech class now, and I have a 100 mile head start. ^_^ anyway Im like starved for anime-- oh good weekend, where art thou? uhoh think I g2g TATA!

Yawn, CORE testing week. Man I love this, CORE tests are easy, spent the night at my friend's I know my blog is lacking the fire it previously had, but lets face it, life is good. I mean for me, CORE tests mean LESS HOMEWORK!!! hurrah!

5/6/04 AHHHHHHHhhhhh my math is hardly finished and my history isnt even started, i have a test today and I'm not exactly prepared. But hey, my english is done.
Sorry today is weird I wish sometimes that school didnt exist but where would we be if it didnt WHERE?! anyway ever since I read this ultra liberal thing off my friend's profile I've been eating meat every day, monday I had hotdog, tuesday I had this big fat splendid medium rare hamburger, and last night I had orange chicken. YUM! I have to say that commiting to a healthy protien filled diet is leaving me, fuller, more energetic, and less liberal. I've only decided to do this for 1 week so on sunday it'll all be over, but I think I might still want meat on a regular basis. I mean Im 14 there is no way I will have colesterall problems, its not like I dump salt all over everything I eat like my grandmas. My grandmother puts salt on CANTALOPE, CANTALOPE! Its downright gross. Anyway I better at least try and finish my math before class so

5/4/04 Ello again, it is I, Anna the blogger. Well the school has come again after a splended three day weekend I must now return to the daily grind. That reminds me of the glass keychain I made in woodshop that I need to polish. This would all be well and good, except that the polisher is crazy. It will either go super fast or it will stall out and theres too much polish on it so it sprays this ugly black stuff all over you every time you polish something. Anyway on the weekend I saw a show called freeks and geeks and it is my favorite show EVER it is SO cool, everyone I've showed it to has loved it, how sad that it only lasted a season and now its gone (my dad bought the series so I've been watching it.)

4/26/04 Well the weekend was good, I saw a movie and some friends. It is nice to know some people who arent too busy to do stuff on the weekend. I want to find a way to do something every weekend with them anyway theres four minutes left of class- sorry if some links are broken but this updating the webcity stuff is way complicated and Alanna has decided not to work on it with me really so Im sorta on my own grrr....

4/23/04 Well today is another day yesterday was hectic and so I stayed an extra hour after school to work on the magazine thing. Kari and I were the last two out of everyone and I might be in a duet w/ this over acheiver dude, he's a nice guy. He doesn't really say doesn't he says do not you are not you're. It's funny. He's going to be playing one of those flat harp things and me on my harp. And today Im going w/ Madeline while she shops, I forgot my money so I dont think I'll be spending :) well thats better anyhow, spending is so wasteful, but it is a thrift store. This week I started using my lunch hour to sit in on art w/ Gina and Madeline. I wish I took art and didnt even bother w/ lunch. Lunch is really boring and then I could have 3 electives, I think we should have more electives also. I would rather have more school and less homework than have what we've already got. Sure it gets boring sometimes, but sitting back there in art and giggling w/ Gina is so much better than hunching over at the stupid lunch table uncomfortably trying to think of stuff to say to ma "friends" I don't fit in at all. They always seem too girly or too strict. I don't know.

4/12/04 Day after Easter Anna A. is now 14, I think, and my best friend is too. My little brother will be 6 on the 14th so yeah a lot of bdays anyway my spring break went well, it was full of rollerblading, movie watching, money making, and oh yeah RAIN! it rained and hailed and snowed the other day and it stunk but finally on Sunday it all dried up and everything was buetiful again.
In other news, there's a LOT of crap in this blog that I want to move somewhere but not have here. All the html's there it is just making me feel like I've clogged the page. So dont be surprised if sometime during this week a blog archives is invented and a lot of the past blogs disapeer and then reapear there.

3/26/04 Hey peeps Im sorry I havent bloged in awhile, dont know what went on there. Anyway theres a "semi-formal" dance today so Im going to--- oh man g2g! I'll blog when I get home sorry peeps..again

Friday my gosh this week stunk it was boring but on the bright side (the not school side) I took the bus to the library yesterday and I got some metalic nail polish I love busses! oh man g2g moore later... I hope!
Later... Ok so I admit I took the bus to the library and then Main St. again (but this time I didnt stop for nail polish) I read GL and Robert Frost's Collected Peotry. Ok I admit I did fall asleep there and was later than I expected geting home. But hey, I studied all night last night and had a nightmare about a viscous and very large crow or raven terrorizing me and my dog. The thing was friggin' HUGE! On top of that I had to hide from it and save my dog from the thing which then attacketed me, claw and beak. Ok it sounds kinda dumb I guess but it was really frightening, then I woke up at 4 after falling asleep at 1 and tried to study more but ended up falling asleed saying "I wonder if Hawii has a senator.... I wonder if he wears sun glasses to the conventions..." Yeah I was really tired I awoke again at 6:00 and read until 6:30 then I finished math and latin translations. It wasnt until I got to school today I remembered Mr. MacIntosh has quizzes on Thursdays NOT Fridays. So all the latin and Test corrections could've been done tonight. I also couldve done last nights math. oops. Well one flump isnt going to slow me down. I gotta go do stuff so tata
3/8/04 Mondy BLEH! Well I put my alarm clock on for 5:00 (yes now I am among those who must have machine wake them) After going to bed at 11:30 when it went off I turned it off b/c it seemed ecceptoinally loud and next thing I knew it was 7:00! good thing school doesnt start until 8:50 here. I arrived early anyway. hehe Well I cant say MUCH it's the first day and the first class of the week and I blogged last night. I did find a good quote in this friendship book my frend gave me for my birthda a few yeas ago "Friendship can endure any distance (so, you can run but you cant hide!)" -Anonymous. I liked that since I have recently moved a great distance. Speaking of such maybe I have so email...

Sunday Night, Just got back from babysitting the little girls across the street who were very good despite some trouble w/ teeth brushing. I tried to be nice bfore but I just had to put my foot down and be an adult tonight and it worked well also of corse rewards will get a child to do what you want. I also got 20 bucks w/ 5 bucks credit for next time SCORE! Well at least that means there will BE a next time!! lol And they didnt pull any of the junk they did last time (I kept my sweater on tucked in an undershirt and wore a long shirt w/ a tight shirt over that just incase though not to mention wore good 'ol jeans not elastics just incase) Well I am feeling rich and good tonight! Tata

4/5/04 Again at Tech this is a great setup just Aced the quiz and I get free time the rest of the period. I havent reanted in awhile I've noticed but I guess this is more of a "suggestion" and rant mix anyway here goes. Ok so latey I have been drinking a lot of hot coco and I think we need rubber spoons. why? becuase the metal ones get all hot and you try to cool of the steaming liquid before it gets to your mouth you could make some pretty snazzy. I mean really Rubber spoons would just be such a twenty first centry thing. Im going to be rich and famous when I sell my specail hot liquid rubber spoons. Also I want to mini everything Mcyd's is way off w/ the supersize deal I will make mini books and mini kitchen ware and even mini printers and computers and one day there will be a mini WEBSITE! Yeah Im a genius. You know the other day I bought a mini roll of tape!? way better than mini staplers especailly since it has COLORED rolls that come w/ it. Thats what Im talking about. I'll also make mini school supples that hasnt been mini'd yet, like colledge rul paper and binders and desks and stuff. The next step will be mini pets and eventually There will even be a machine that turns PEOPLE mini for a day. What will I do w/ all my money? Well I will buy a lot of hot choclate and have a big party stir using rubber spoons. Then I will Start a chain of restraunts that only serve food w/ ketchup. Called Catch Up and one for Mustard lovers called Musty's and a soy sauce one too. TAta

Well Im at tech again. I suck at writing fast it turns out. Oh well... Anyway last night those little girls were little brats as usual and I got my 5 bucks. I like this setup of blogging at school. Its nice so nice. and the colors arent messed up like in my monitor at home. So of corse I can goof around w/ the HTML if I like. Today we go to "Reality Town" I hear its really boring but the big problem is they base ur job on ur GRADES Well my grades are like two weeks old and I havent been doing to good on the tests I couldnt have known anything about. I'll end up as a janitor or something! How discraceful. Oh Well I must do what I must do. tata.

3/2/04 Well I am blogging from my new school in Tech. Not a bad place, this school- We do gymnastics in PE this week and b/fore we were doing hockey. I mean as far as schools go this ones pretty good. I Havent blogged in a while Iknow, but I've been busy got babysitting 2night and well its only for an hour, but an hour w/ these kids is like an hour in h3ll, 4 hours is well worth it for the 20$ but for the 5$ I'll be recieving, it just isnt fair! But I need the money to pay for the other day when I took my little brother to mainstreet and now have fallen 2$ bellow 40$ something I didnt want to do. Oh well. Anyway Theres not much else to say- Oh wait nvm there is! I got a new book last weekend called When Thunder Strikes Well it is like all of the other Meg Cabots and so I say stick w/ the Princess Diaries. Also I got a Garth Nix- The Keys to the Kingdom its very good but I liked Shades Children best.Well! Im getting kicked off so...

2/23/03 Ok so I had a great vacation! The sleep over was really good and my new friends are NOT the mummification type well not for now anywway. I had a great time and I really did enjoy myself! I watched this movie my best friend gave me before I left and it was truly enchating on the same scale as Jin-Roh but even better oh the joy! well I must be off

2/17/04- Who buys from telemarketers anyway?
Tonight I have a sleep over w/ the same peeps I went walking w/ on Saturday W00T! Im really happy to have some friends again, meaning that I am happy to have friends I can be w/ again and ones I can talk to again, I missed my old buddies and my new ones are good too. At least I hope so... dun-dun-duuuuuunnnn jk Well they dont seem to be the type to shave my eyebrows off while Im sleeping or pull anything nasty like that, even so I will drink coffe before leaving, trusting ppl is what got me mummified at the last big sleep over and staying up late then waking up really early to work on homework and falling asleep early due to mass exaugh--exaustion--exausion... uh tiredness. Anyway they arent the type to mummifie ppl while they are sleeping, they are good ppl. Not that the guilties arent good ppl, just stupi-- I mean ppl who made a dumb mistake, we are all still good friends and they are really pretty nice.
That doesnt mean Im not a little freaked about going to a big sleep-over again... umm I gotta go find something cafinated. TaTa!

2/16/04 Ok so A little more than a month has passed since I have last written here, wow! I suppose it doesnt really matter since I was writing in a blog no one could really read, but still. Anyway I have met some nice ppl, boys and girls, and I despritly miss my friends, all this week I felt very lost and then suddenly on Friday I seemed to kinda fall into place and meet all these nice ppl and all these good friends got to know me better and on Saturday a few spent the day with me and it was absolutely wonderful. I babysat for some kids last night and they were good and I got 20$ and I bought some new anime (which reminds me that I want to make an anime part to this site) and EVERYTHING just seems so so so happy, well except Im a little sick, but thats ok. Tata!

1/13/04 OK SO ONE MONTH LATER... I am living at my grandma's house drinking cold milk and in the middle of a giant move. I dont fancy I'll be able to do much at all as far as friends and internet go. It isn't like they can even read this at the moment saying as I havent put the link up yet.(Still want to wait to get to new place and work out everything to perfection surpassing even this and THEN the world can see my skills as an HTML writer)TATA

12/13/03 Ello again I just visited this thing again and WHAT A WEEK! I mean Im moving in like 28 days my parents left me w/ my grandparents for the weekend and all the people around me seem to have gone COMPLETELY insane!!!So now Im completely confused and I have to get this girl a secrete santa gift, but my parents took off to go visit my future home and my grandparents are here and I dont want to bother them and I need to get all these ppl gifts!!! g2g tata.

Howdy it's Anna and I got a brand new blog it's really quite snazzy, my poor old blog had no way of saving the other blogs, Alanna will most likely run into this problem, but I'll let her handle it becuase my current blog layout has a bit of trouble w/ borders, I will work out the kinks eventually, but until then I think I'll just keep this to myself.
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