Bill Poole's Trip to the
Republic of South Africa friends buddies show up with 7 or 8 computers and take over my friend's MOM's (!!) living room from 8PM till 6AM to play networked computer games!!!!! This is Africa?
Day 9
Saturday, 7-Nov-98
There was an article in today's paper about an informer (a chinese guy who could speak sotho and zulu!) buying AK-47's on the street for 1500 to 2000 rand or about $300 to 400 and selling them to the cops for $6000 rand, or about $1100! Thats kinda the price increase we see at home whenever the government enacts another import ban! The guy was buying AK's and Makarovs left and right. No mention of whether he had to wait 15 days and fill out a 4473 when buying a full auto AK on the streets.

I ended up spending the day working (saturday). But I made some progress.

In the evening, I got invited out with one'a the Afrikaans speaking guys from work to his parents' house, some friends were coming over to play computer games. I'm not much into computer games, but the chance to see a family home was appealing.

It was further into the suburbs, they had a security gate, but not every house in the neighborhood did. The most pronounced difference was the high ceilings! Other than that, and the funny electical plugs, it coulda been an American house.

So, after my coworker's girlfriend (who is also my co-worker) cooks me a really nice steak and potato meal, My coworker's buddies show up at 8, every one of them has a computer, except for one guy who brought two, they start tearing up my host's Mom's living room moving furniture, running cables, setting up computers, (My mother NEVER woulds tolerated that!) by about midnight they had games loaded on all 6 computers and were playing networked games, I was driven back to my hotel (at speeds of 150 kph, approaching 100 mph) around 3am! Ah, another night in darkest africa.

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