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Je.di. subjects


1. Pentacle ........................................................................................ 1

2. Cloning ........................................................................................ 3

3. Satan ............................................................................................ 6

4. Joshua Christ ............................................................................. 10

5. Pope and Popess ......................................................................... 14

6. Robots ........................................................................................ 22

7. Lightology .................................................................................. 28

8. Plants ......................................................................................... 31

9. Mansions .................................................................................... 39

10. Royal Je.di. ............................................................................... 45

12. Hell ......................................................................................... 89

12. Wiccan Witch ....................................................................... 111

13. Heaven ................................................................................... 121


1.           Pentacle



1: In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth.

2: The Earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the

face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of

the waters.

3: Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light.

4: And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the

light from the darkness.

In the beginning was the Father (Jehovah), and the male (Holy

Spirit) inside of his body. Out side of his body begins as female

explained later.

The Spirit is an omnipresent electromagnetic sphere that started

from Jehovah’s body.

He can be seen in light form. The Spirit outside of Father’s body is

default gender. Female is a default gender. She will be female unless she

grows inside of a male creation.

1: In the beginning there was the all powerful Alpha albino primate

surrounded by darkness. All of the matter of the universe was in his

physical body. All of the electromagnetic radiation of the universe was

also inside his physical body. The light of the universe did not emit from

him at first, so he was surrounded by an infinite sphere of darkness.

In his body he contains x and y chromosomes. The x chromosomes

in his body gives him a feminine personality. The y chromosomes in his

body gives him a masculine personality. Their shared name is Jehovah.


Vidian Didymus Lawrence

He said, “Water!” In a deep voice like thunder. In his Alpha primate

language called “glossolalia” (Speaking in tongues). A sphere of blue

water energy came out of his fingertips like dim glowing electricity. It

formed away from him like a softball being shot with lightning.

The sphere of water was very large and compressed. He did the

same to green earth, yellow air, and red fire. (Fire came out as two

chemicals that are flammable when combined)

The four element spheres orbited around him. He put his hands up

and the four spheres clash above him and compressed. It orbited him.

2: His body, and Spirit in it, hovered over the frozen waters.

3: “Light!” he roars. A dense ball of light compresses around his

hand after a sphere of light pours out of his entire body. Lightning

bolts rip through darkened space from the sphere of light from his


4: He throws the ball of Goddess Spirit at the compressed Earth

and it explodes. The universe is filled with elements and light, which

began growing life.

In the center of the explosion was the Father’s new female body

clone. She is his daughter. She is the only begotten daughter of God.

She is his wife. He and She are one Spirit and flesh. Their flesh is called

Jehovah. She worships her husband, and wants her children to do so

also. She is one with him, but also came out of him. His clone wife is

also albino, and filled with enormous muscles as her Father.

However, he is denser having a y chromosome. The Holy Spirit is

inside and out of the Goddess clone.

The pentacle is a five sided star with a circle around it.

The top point represents Spirit. Clockwise is water, earth, air, and

last is fi re.

The pentacle up side down means, “Worship self or Satan.”

Witchcraft involves the use of God’s Holy Pentacle right side up.

Satanism involves the use of God’s Holy Pentacle upside down.


2.           Cloning


“Let us make man in our image,” Jehovah’s male body suggests to

his wife.

They lived on planet Earth at this time, and grew all of the plants

and animals under the atmosphere.

The beginning compressed Earth (egg of the Goddess) was a

compressed ball of living plant D.N.A. (Green primordial ooze). Some

of the Earth died when exploded. The rest lived, and fed off of the dead

soil. (Dead plant D.N.A.)

The two made love. Light poured out of them. It was luminescent

light. It was not hot like a burning sun or Earth’s center.

The Goddess gives birth to her son.

“His name shall be Adam (Man),” God said.

Being the first born, Adam was given the blessing of the first born

from his Father God. The blessing included the cloning of Adam’s flesh,

from his rib, into his daughter Eve.

The God and Goddess also gave birth to other sons called angels.

Since the Goddess is always ovulating, she only gives birth to sons,

except if she is on her period. Angels are direct immortal sons of God.

They were given three commandments which were, making babies,

eating plants, and enslaving animals. Satan is an animal.

(He is a seven headed, red snake). He told Eve to eat the knowledge

of good and evil (k.o.g.a.e.). She did and so did Adam. They broke all

three commandments by their God. They obeyed a slave, ate a fruit

they were not allowed to eat, and they covered their nakedness instead

of making babies.


Vidian Didymus Lawrence

After Adam and Eve ate k.o.g.a.e., their babies were mortal babies.

Since they were in a sense, father and daughter mortals, and the

k.o.g.a.e. was eaten by them, their mortal kids were deformed ape like


The k.o.g.a.e. is a drug passed on to every generation of Adam’s

children. It is weakened after every new birth. It was so powerful when

they ate it then, that it polluted their sexual organs, and their children

were little deformed ape like creatures.

Since the k.o.g.a.e. has been weakened in us, our children look

more like Adam and Eve did, then their children.

Before k.o.g.a.e., the babies were not deformed, because their was

no plant fruit drug in their systems.

The k.o.g.a.e. makes men die.

The tree of life is the antidote. However, God did not want the

k.o.g.a.e. infected to live forever with the evil knowledge they’ve


Angels live forever since their bodies never separate from their light

spirits, because of being related to God from birth, and never ate the

death drug. This is why they can transform into light and matter at


Mortal humans separate from their bodies in light form when they

die, and do not use enough of their brains to control all of their body,

and transform at will.

Since God cloned Eve from Adam and it was good, then doing as

God does, responsibly, is good too.

Only the Je.di. (Jehovah disciples) should be given a cloning license,

because they believe that Christ is the tree of life antidote in human

flesh and said, “He who believes in me shall have everlasting life.” Since

he came to Earth and died for our sins, we are now cleansed of mental

k.o.g.a.e. and allowed by him to live forever as U.S. Government clones

by the Father, Jehovah. Je.di. also beg the U.S. To allow us to pledge

allegiance to America and the true God “Light” anywhere they desire.

The restrictions of being cloned are: No breeding! Slave as Royalty!

One Clone Alive!

No licensed person cloned can breed. That would cause over

population disputes. They must have their tubes tied or testicles


Alpha Primate


The Government armed forces must be the masters of the slave

Je.di. clones.

The Je.di. have to be cloned with pure white hair and skin. Their

eyes will be cloned red. That is how Christ looked in Revelations 1:13-



3.           Satan


Satan is both an angel and a serpent dragon. Angels can breed with

humans and have nephilim.

Genesis 6:4

“The Nephilim were in the Earth in those days, and also after that,

when the sons of God came unto the daughters of men, and they bare

children to them: the same were the mighty men that were of old, the

men of renown.”

Nephilim are half angel half mortal.

The angel that bred with a mortal human becomes mortal, because

the k.o.g.a.e. is a sexually transmitted disease. If an angel combines

their body chemicals with an animal that has no k.o.g.a.e. chemical in

their blood, the animal becomes immortal.

Lucifer is one of God’s other children like Adam, except Adam

ruled over his brothers when he was alive. If he dies, he looses his

inheritance of the firstborn angel.

The serpent evolved from the dinosaurs. When the skies filled

with dust and destroyed all of the dinosaurs, he crawled deep in the

Earth and stayed until the dust settled. This can explain why he fell to

darkness and betrayed the Alpha Primate, because of all the time alone

he spent in darkness within the Earth.

The serpent’s body is a huge red dragon snake with 7 heads and

horns. He breaths fire. In his mouth are two openings which spray

two separate chemicals. When the chemicals combine in the air, they

produce fire. He uses it to turn organic material into ash and eats it.

This consumption is only possible when he is in flesh form. He is

Alpha Primate


immortal now because he has immortal D.N.A. from Lucifer inside of

him. They together as one will bring war upon the Je.di. soldiers. He

can transform his flesh into light and back into matter, because of the

angel D.N.A. in him that connects his spirit and flesh together.

“I hate my brother!” Lucifer said to the giant red snake with seven


“You could kill him and take his inheritance,” Satan purrs.

“He can only die if he ate the forbidden fruit,” Lucifer explains.

“I can convince him to master. And if he died and you lived, all of

his children will be your slaves,” Satan explains.

“And what do you want out of this slave?” Lucifer asks.

“If you possess my body and convert your spirit back into flesh,

your flesh would combine with mine. Together, we can convince Adam

to eat the plant drug and die. Then you, and I, under your authority,

will control all who eat blood, and serve darkness. To bring war upon

the Alpha primate and your brother. All of the plants and animals will

die if Adam eats the k.o.g.a.e., because the Alpha Primate will leave our

planet and his immortal source of energy will leave with him. I want to

live forever with your flesh and blood,” Satan requests.

“As you wish, slave,” Lucifer agrees and transforms his living flesh

into light. The light fills Satan’s body. Satan glows as bright as a star. Then

all of the light is absorbed by the serpent’s flesh. It slowly transforms

into angel flesh and blood. The D.N.A. of the angel chemically bonds

with Satan’s D.N.A. They become one. They were the first homosexual

couple in time.

Eve separated from her husband Adam. As she walked through the

garden, Satan asked, “Did God really say you must not eat from any of

the trees in the garden?”

Eve smiled at her friend.

“We are free to eat from any of the trees in the garden, except the

knowledge of good and evil or we will die,” she answered. They both

spoke in glossolalia at the time and understood each other.

“You will not die,” he lied. “For if you eat it, you will be like God

knowing good and evil.”

Convinced, she reached out, and a fruit from the tree pulled apart

from its stem and floated to her hand. She ate it. Instantly, knowledge


Vidian Didymus Lawrence

filled her once pure mind. She ran back to Adam and gave him some


After they ate the k.o.g.a.e. fruit, their eyes were open and thoughts

of shame from being naked arose. Both of them made coverings for

themselves out of fig leaves.

The knowledge comes and goes in everyone infected.

They often come in times when focus on our surroundings, instead

of thinking, is needed. All thoughts from our disease (k.o.g.a.e.) that

are good or bad are evil, because they are not “Wisdom” thoughts from

the Father directly.

Later that day, Jehovah was walking towards them in the cool

breeze of the day and asked, “Where are you Adam?” (He was nude.

For if he wore clothing, it would create a desire for his son Adam and

his wife to wear them.)

When Adam appeared he told God, “I hid from you because I was


Fiery rose up in the heart of God as he asks, “Who told you, you

were naked?!!!”

“Did you eat the k.o.g.a.e.?!!!” he asked.

“The woman gave me some so I ate it,” Adam explained.

“Satan told me to,” Eve admitted.

“Adam!!! Because you ate the forbidden fruit, you will work by the

sweat of your brow for food!!!” he hollered in a deep voice of thunder.

“Eve!!! Since you ate and persuaded Adam to eat the fruit, your husband

will rule over you, and your labor pains will be greatly increased!!!” He

warned in anger, because now he and his wife had to leave Earth in

body form above the sphere universe in the outer layer of heaven.

Plus, he loved being nude, but now lust and shame have been

unleashed by the consumption of the Holy k.o.g.a.e., and since then

he was forced to wear clothing.

“Satan, you are cursed of all of the slaves (animals). You will crawl

on your belly from now on. (Because he lost his light powers that

allowed him to fl y.)

I will also put enmity between you and the woman, and her

off spring and yours. Her off spring will bruise your off spring’s head.

Your off spring will bruise her off spring’s heal.” Father finished his Holy


Alpha Primate


He clothed them and said to his wife, “Man must not also reach

out and eat from the tree of life to live forever.” They sent their son and

his daughter away. To the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim

and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the

tree of life. (The tree of life was the Alpha tree that evolved from the

primordial ooze blood in the beginning. So in a sense, the Lord and

Lady (God and Goddess) were also trees of life in primate bodies.

They left Earth to the third layer of heaven. The three layers are

the planet atmospheres, the space in the universe, and outside of the

universe where God took his beloved to flee from darkness that began

it’s infestation on Earth from Adam, Eve, and Satan’s sin.

Satan in serpent form is the red snake dragon explained earlier.

Satan in angel form is a red serpent beast person with long black horns

and reptilian feet. He is muscular and can fl y without wings, because

he has no k.o.g.a.e. in his blood. He used to be albino until his gay

chemical bond with the male serpent mutated his skin red.

“Your plan was a success slave,” Lucifer tells his lover in him.

“The alpha primate has failed. We now own more of his children

every day as they die in their sin. Our kingdom will expand greater than

his will, because we will suggest to man that there are multiple gods

and goddesses, and to others that there is no God,” Satan responds.

“We must also build an army of followers to bring war on any one

who learns of the alpha primate within their inner wisdom programmed

by the Father. They shall be called the “Satanists,” Lucifer demands.


4. Joshua Christ


The Spirit outside of the Father’s body is default gender making it


As the Devil (Lucifer & Satan) harvested God’s mortal sperms’

souls, witches worshiped God as he was, is, and will be. As the y

and x chromosomes who are the God and Goddess as one male God

combined called Jehovah.

After the witches converted into paganism, God was worshiped

purely by the Jews. Prophets of the Jews spoke of a Jew who will save

them from death.

“The time has come for you to leave me my beloved daughter,” the

Father says as he holds his wife passionately.

“Do to me what your will requires my God,” She submits.

He came in her and she became pregnant with his last angel he will

ever produce with his wife.

“I love you master. I will return to you with an offering of souls

who worship you by loving me.

He kisses her one last time. Her body converts into light and

is absorbed into her fertile egg. The Spirit egg leaves her master to


The egg possessed an unfertilized egg from a Jewish woman named


God’s fertilized egg converted into matter. As it did, his egg

combined with the matter of Mary’s unfertilized egg. They became


Alpha Primate


The child was named Joshua Christ. He was proclaimed, “The

only begotten Son of God.” (Or God the Son) The reason for this is,

Christ’s fertilized egg was from the God’s sperm and the Goddess’ egg,

combined with the unfertilized egg of Mary the Jew.

This makes him a nephilim. (Half angel half man) Also, the Holy

Goddess who was pregnant by the Father, possessed and combined

chemically with Christ’s first egg from God. In doing this, she will

forever live inside of Christ’s body as his Spirit.

Father gave his only begotten daughter to become his only begotten

son. To die on the cross for forgiveness of sins. The Son of God is the

God and Goddess Son. This means that all of the x chromosomes of

the Goddess’ physical body are his. All of the y chromosomes from the

God’s physical sperm are his too.

Before Christ died, He said, “This “IS” my blood,” referring to the

plant wine. He is claiming to be the light inside of the fermented plant


He also said, “This “IS” my body,” referring to the plant flesh. He

is claiming to be the light inside of the grain in the bread.

“Father into your hands, I commit my Spirit,” Christ said hanging

on the cross.

Father waits alone in heaven for his Goddess and Son to return to

him as one.

He looks away at the sight of his greatest love that had been slain by

the Jews and Romans. (The people Christ wanted to take to his master

as the offering he promised before he left his Father to Earth.)

Christ dies. Darkness sweeps over the land.

His Spirit falls from his body to the depths of the Earth. Darkness

surrounds him. Sounds of torment cry out louder as he falls, “Aaaaaah

aaaaah aaah!!! No!! Please god no!!! Aaaaaah!”

He reaches the heart of the Earth. Blood of Earth burns hot as the

sun. (Hell’s “lake of fire”)

Screams of terror from the entire spirits pact closely together,

frightens Him. But, he does not forget his master. How he will rise

from the dead three days from now.

As he dreamed inside of the l.o.f., his mind was also trapped inside

of the Earth in a dream world of an underground prison of eternal



Vidian Didymus Lawrence

Demons in the imagined dream hell could not torture Christ when

he visited. However, they did torment him by torturing other inmates

in front of him.

3 days later, Christ returned to his body with a key he holds in his

dream body’s hand. This key is the key to Hell. Anyone he chooses can

escape Hell, if they drink his plant blood and eat his plant flesh. And,

they must love the Father, Son, and Goddess Spirit with all of their

heart, mind, soul, and strength. They must also love their neighbors

as themselves. Last is loving their enemies. Forgive them. But, if they

do something that is serious and deserves death, they can be forgiven

when they are dead. However, they must be killed mercifully. In the

name of Christ.

When He rose, Christ appeared to his disciples and said, “Make

disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son,

and Holy Spirit.”

He also said, “Feed my sheep.” His sheep are the Jews. His dogs are

the gentiles. He wants his sheep dogs fed too so they can fend for his

beloved sheep.

After Christ rose, he mutated into the Goddess albino primate, as

a male God the Son.

Mr 14:3 While he was in Bethany, reclining at the table in the

home of a man known as Simon the Leper, a woman came with an

alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, made of pure nard. She broke

the jar and poured the perfume on his head.

Mr 14:4 Some of those present were saying indignantly to one

another, ”Why this waste of perfume?”

Mr 14:5 “It could have been sold for more than a year’s wages and

the money given to the poor.” And they rebuked her harshly.

Mr 14:6 “Leave her alone,” said Jesus. “Why are you bothering her?

She has done a beautiful thing to me.”

Mr 14:7 “The poor you will always have with you, and you can

help them any time you want. But you will not always have me.”

Mr 14:8 “She did what she could. She poured perfume on my

body beforehand to prepare for my burial.”

Mr 14:9 “I tell you the truth, wherever the gospel is preached

throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory

of her.”

Alpha Primate


She is Lazarus and Martha’s sister.

Christ loved Lazarus, and raised him from the dead.



5. Pope and Popess


Vidian Didymus Lawrence is the Je.di. Wiccan Pope. His bride

Macie Lawrence is the Popess. They are one so when I say Pope alone,

I mean both of them as the Pope.

Vidian rules over his wife, but sees her as himself.

The Pope is the lowest position in the whole church or coven. They

buy and own the worship buildings. They use all of their money for

God’s Empire.

Christ is the king of kings. The church members are Je.di. Royalty

under God.

The Father, Son, and Goddess are equally powerful.

Under them are the angels.

Under the angels are the saved humans, who accept the Je.di.

Religion. They would be either a king or queen. There are two ranks of

kings and queens. Jews and gentiles are the two ranks. Jews are Je.di.

Sheep. Gentiles are Je.di. Sheep dogs. The Jew Je.di. are called ultimate

Je.di. Under the ultimate are the dogs. Under the dogs is the Pope.

Together, they designed a feminist law.

Feminists do not hate all men, because they all have daddies whose

seed made them.

They love God the Father who is male that created his other body

which is the Holy Goddess body, which he had sex with.

Feminists are not lesbians, because they love the Goddess, and want

to be like their Heavenly mother by procreating with their husband.

When a feminist gives birth to their husband’s baby, she becomes his

new flesh’s mother.

Alpha Primate


Feminists do not shave.

They are equal to men but submissive to their husband. They

chose to belong to their man by accepting marriage, so it balances it

out. However, a feminist must marry a man who sees her as he sees


Feminist husbands must obey what their feminist wife says, if it is

something God or he would say. Including what his mother or father

would say.

Feminists are at least lightologists, because they love the light all


Feminists must keep in mind that even though men made them

less important then themselves, in their sick eyes, there are men who

see them equally, and love them. They are feminist men. Feminist men

love the Goddess Spirit, and all of her female children from her son

Adam in the beginning.

Men and women must be equal in decision making in their country.

However, when a woman marries a man she must have the choice to

marry, their marriage becomes a 24 hour 7 days a week job. Th e job is

obeying the light inside of each of them.

For example, in a restaurant it is a rule for employees to wash

their hands before handling food. If the boss does not wash his hands

before cutting meat, and the employee commands that he does, the

boss must obey the words of his employee, because it is the rules of the


Likewise, if a man wants to get drunk off alcohol, and his wife

employee commands him not to, he must obey her command, because

it is the command of the light inside and outside of her. The man is the

boss. However, the wife must choose a good boss who loves her.

(It is a fact that light is inside of the plant alcohol. When a person

drinks it they absorb the light energy, and use it to do good or evil.

Good is serving the Holy light and evil is serving the darkness. Use

common sense, would the light want to be consumed and puked

up being wasted, or peed out being used to give the body all of it’s


Likewise, is it a waste of good alcohol to fall asleep and not use it

to serve God? No. The light would not want to be puked up or wasted

by the drinker falling asleep.)


Vidian Didymus Lawrence

The boss must love his ONLY employee wife or she will go on

strike. The only way to return her from her strike is for the man to

make up for what he did wrong or offensive to the Goddess Spirit

inside of her.

Keep in mind that a married employee woman may not go on

strike if she is mad at her boss for something that didn’t off end the

Goddess or her.

For example, a wife is mad, because her boss she chose asked her to

wash the dishes she used, and stops obeying him.

Lightologists are the same as Jehovah disciples except Je.di. believe

Jehovah, Christ, and the Holy Goddess Spirit (all electromagnetic

waves outside of Jehovah and Christ’s male bodies, which is default

or female, if not in a creation that is male) are the one light moving

and growing all matter in the universe of darkness. This light gives its

creations choice to be moved by her doing good or evil.

The light created woman to carry babies. Common sense would say

that since she goes through all that pain and suffering to show her man

how much she truly loves him, he must work to pay for his best friend

and their baby. By doing this he is fully serving his soul mate. The only

work she should do is keeping an eye on their child, and keeping her

messes clean. Also, keeping their child’s messes clean while daddy is

working. Daddy must clean up after himself too.

He is the king of his castle and she is the queen of his castle. The

king is called the “Leader” of the equal relationship. The queen is called

the “Follower” because, even though they are equal, he must lead his

queen as her faithful servant.

Out in public, he must guard and protect her.

In the house, he must request things he wants her to do that is

equal to something else he does. For instance, if he asks her to wash the

dishes, it should be because he scrubs the feces and urine off the toilet.

Or, he may ask for a beer when his friends are over. She should, if he

does the same for her when her friends are over. This makes them both

sexy, because they love each other so much that they serve one another

as “Leader” and “Follower”.

Their kids are either princes or princesses. The king is in charge of

final decisions, but must understand that he is one with his queen. Her

thoughts may be his that he didn’t think of.

Alpha Primate


Husbands must learn from their wives, and wives must learn from

their husbands. Doing this will help men make the right decisions, that

will be equally fair for everyone in their family. A feminine man and his

wife call each other “servant”, because they serve each other. However,

the man must be the leader servant.

The woman is his follower servant.

A woman who wants to lead is subconsciously a lesbian. Like wise

a man who wants to follow is subconsciously a homosexual.

Men love your woman as you love yourself. She completes your

circle and is better than wealth.

The Je.di. Pope is Vidian Didymus Lawrence. Formally known as

Jason Christopher Lawrence.

The Je.di. Popess is Macie Marie Lawrence. Formally known as

Macie Marie Thomasson.

Here is the story of how they met.

When Jason was 19, he moved in with a young woman named

Jenny Mason. He brought his $2000 leather furniture set to her house

with everything else he owned. They both planned on being married.

One night at Perkins (A restaurant Jason worked at while he was

with Jenny) he made a regretful mistake, by sleeping with another

woman named Leah Casper, who worked as a waitress with him. (She

aborted his baby and said afterwards, “I don’t want to go to hell with

our baby.”)

When he returned home that night, a note was on the door that

was from Jenny telling him that he can’t come inside, because she found

out he was cheating.

Earlier, she drove to Perkins, and it was closed several hours

earlier. That is how she found out. It was closed early because the fire

department shut it down for the night. They shut it down because of

a serious gas leak.

Jason said, “Let me in to get my things and leave.”

She let him inside. He looked in the living room, and saw that the

room was filled with people. One person was hiding under a blanket

on the floor. Who, Vidian found out later at work from an employee

who knew Jenny, was his best friend Chris Hanner.

“Will you send an officer here so I can get all of my things moved

out?” Jason asked the 911 dispatch on the phone.


Vidian Didymus Lawrence

A police officer arrived, and he moved his things over to another

apartment close by. The apartment was rented by his friend A.J. who

let Jason move in with her that night.

Vidian Didymus moved out everything he owned except his TV,

and the $2000 furniture set, because the cop said that he had to take

Jenny to court for it since Jenny did not let him take them.

The furniture set included a 3 seat couch, 2 seat couch, 1 seat chair,

and a square foot rest, which all were covered in black leather.

Years passed. Jason received many calls, and letters concerning the

missed payments on the furniture.

One day, at his new job at Heartland Steak and Buff et, Jason met

a cook named Joel Teska. Jason was interested in the Christ then, and

passed his knowledge to Joel. They became friends, and associated

regularly in church related meetings.

His wife’s name is Sarah. Sarah was best friends with Jenny, and

knew Jason from that time. Joel told Vidian that his furniture was sold

to Sarah’s dad. The one seat leather chair was sold to Joel and Sarah

from her dad.

He told Jason that he would give it back, but they paid a lot of

money for it. Vidian’s love for his new brother of their church softened

his heart. Thank God he did. Because, after many church sessions with

his brother of Christ, Sarah’s little sister Nicole Gummert came over

to Joel’s house when Vidian Didymus was there, and listened to their

religious conversations. She was around 17 at the time.

Vidian lived in a small efficiency apartment then, and was very

lonely and depressed. Th e only pleasure in his life was talking about

Christ to others, and finding some who were interested in him enough

to converse with.

Ring! Ring! Ring! Jason answers the phone. “Hello,” Vidian says.

“Hey Jason it’s Nikki,” Nicole said. “Do you care if my friend and

I come over?” she asked.

“Ok. I’ll see you when you get here,” Vidian said. Apparently the

messages Jason spoke around her at Joel’s trailer interested Nicole.

Vidian Didymus visited with his guests Doug and Eric until he

heard a knock on his door.

“Hey Jason. This is my friend Macie,” Nikki introduced.

Vidian had never seen anything more beautiful in his life.

Alpha Primate


She was 16 years old at the time. She was a witch. He was a

Christian. Their love united the two as one with the Jewish religion.

November 10, 2007 they both were married. She wore a beautiful

black dress from Sarah at the wedding. Vidian Didymus feels the black

dress, and his Popess are worth more than the furniture.

After the wedding, Jason had his name changed to Vidian Didymus

Lawrence. The Je.di. Religion was designed by both of them from many

arguments between them in uniting witches with Christians.

They are the lowest members of the Church. All of the other

members are their hired masters.


6. Robots

Robots will be an investment of the Je.di. people. We want robots

that look real with bodies we design. They must have refrigerator

stomachs. So when they drink alcohol it is cold in their tummies, until

they pee it out in their master’s mouth only. These robots must be our

friends. They must also be our slaves. This will make the United States

lower class citizens rich.




Child molestation has become a severe epidemic in the United


To lower child molestation in America, the mind of a child molester

must be examined to find the answer.

As most of us know, the main reason for molesting children from a

pedophile is, “I was molested when I was a child.”

I researched the topic in search for an answer to the question, “How

can child molestation end?”

What I discovered is that once a child is molested, the incident

is stored in their sub conscience. As they grow older, the desire

to relive the experience as the molester instead of the victim torments

the pedophile.

Thoughts of molesting children occur, because the sub conscience

personality of the molested child in them is trying to control them. Its

desire to molest is most commonly either of two reasons. The first is an


Vidian Didymus Lawrence

irrational way to get even with their molester in their past, by reflecting

it on an innocent child. Doing the same thing to the child that was

done to them.

Some pedophiles argue with their molested child mind who begs

them to molest. The second explanation is, when a child is exposed to

sexual activity at a young age, the thoughts of sexual activity is directed

to children their own age.

Afterwards, all sexual thoughts are linked to children, because they

experienced sexual activity as a child.

If they were not molested, and the first sexual activity experienced

was with their adult spouse, the thought of sexual activity would not

be directed to children.

Knowing this, the desire to molest will always occur in the minds

of all pedophiles.

Simply killing all convicted pedophiles will not end molestation,

because most of the kids molested by them will most likely grow up

and molest.

Then, their victims may too. It is a constant cycle. It would be a

never ending cycle.

The answer is simple. Direct their sexual desire on child sex robots

that can be called pedo-bots. In doing this, a very high percent would

rather molest a robot legally, than a real child illegally.

A Government program can be set up for the pedophiles. In this

program, pedophiles are required to share their experience of being

molested with a licensed psychologist. The psychologist will arrange

an appointment with the pedo-bot company to take part in designing

their robot.

The law will be programmed in every robot. If the molester is

molesting children or breaking any other laws, the robot will set off an

alarm to the police station. The police will come and scan the robot’s


If this option is approved, the child victims percentage will be

lowered excessively. The sentences of off enders after the pedo-bots

should be the death sentence, because of the leniency of the Government

approving pedo-bots.

Alpha Primate


If all concerned American citizens listened to their inner thoughts

of reason, they would hear that this is the only way to cleanse this sick


All profits from this story, except for Pope Bills and necessities, will

be invested in the Je.di. Corp. of America. This corp. is owned by the

Je.di. Pope who hires members to run it all. Pedo-bot factories will be

constructed when the Je.di. Corp. has enough money to build them.


7. Lightology


Lightology is a science study of light.

The “World Book” writes how nothing would live without light.

Light is inside of plants. When someone eats or drinks plants, they

eat or drink light. The light’s body and blood are plants’ body and


Since light is the source of all life, she is God’s feminine Spirit. The

light is a default gender. Default gender is female.

This is why Lightology must be taught in schools starting in early


The pledge of allegiance must be said in school, “One nation under

Light.....” by the Je.di. who love America and her God.

When a person hears, sees, or thinks of something good that gives

them goose bumps, makes them cry in joy, or fills their body with a

happy tingling sensation, their body is filled with light energy. These

are the symptoms of love.

When a person hears, sees, or thinks of something bad, they will

experience numbness, emptiness inside, depression, hate, or fear. These

are symptoms of darkness in the body. The nerves in our brains are

connected with electric charges. Light is a visible electromagnetic wave.

Simply put, the charges turn to darkness if they are not worshiping the

light all around them that is moving them.

To worship her a person must feel and hear her gently speaking to

them. Then, they must obey what she commands.

“Keep in mind I write “her” because the light surrounding us is

default gender. Default gender is female I was taught from my science

Alpha Primate


teacher. However, if she enters a male creation, she becomes a male

light in them.”

The information in the bible about how she came out of God’s

body must be taught as a theory in class like mythology.

Everyone can hear her if they choose to. She says things like, “Go

to the restroom,” when the listener has to go. Or, “You need water. You

should study for your exam tomorrow.” Basically, the light outside of

your body will enter your body, and see what your important needs are

inside. Then she whispers them in you. If you are thinking of things

other than her surrounding you, like a movie you saw yesterday, she

will not enter your body.

When a person thinks, they do not hear their needs from the all

powerful energy source that moves them.

The penis is for peeing and ejaculating. The vagina is for pushing

out babies and peeing. The sperm is for impregnating a woman’s egg.

These are scientific facts.

The anus is for pooping. Babies cannot be made in a person’s butt.

These facts prove that gays and lesbians are disrespecting nature. If

nature wanted gays, it would have made only men. Likewise, the same

with women.

The fact is that God is light. This information is taught in American

schools and the World book that says, “Without light there would be

no life.” Light is the source of all creation. Light lives in nature.

The fact is that nature wants to grow bigger by its creations

reproducing, and loving their off spring.

This country’s laws are supposed to be laws that don’t off end God

for our money says, “In God we trust.”

The leaders of America, who are allowing the legal right to be gay,

need to be removed from their positions.

The purpose of marriage is for a man and woman to raise children

together, by becoming one flesh combined in their children. If, for

some reason they cannot have children they can still make love to each

other which is not offensive to nature.

In short, the light is all of our God that I just scientifically proved,

and the light is not being respected in this country. No wonder the

Muslims hate the U.S.


Vidian Didymus Lawrence

The idea of America is the Light’s will. However, the light despises

our gay and lesbian citizens, and the leaders who are allowing it.


Pro hedro gay bar


“Hi my name is Johnathan,” John says to a hot young lesbian

woman at the Je.di. pro hedro gay bar. He is gay and wearing tight

leather pants and a leopard shirt.

“I’m Shelly,” she says.

“May I purchase your drink?” he asks.

“Sure. Is this your first time coming here?” she asks.

“Yes,” he responds.

“Mine too,” she tells him.

“What made you want to come here?” John asked.

“I want to get closer with God and find a husband,” Shelly said.

“Are you a lesbian?” John asked.

“Yes. I’ve been one since I was 15 years old. I used to experiment

with my girlfriend Lindsay.” she tells him.

“I’ve been a homosexual since I was locked up for marijuana in

prison and was brutally raped,” he explains.

Hours pass by

“Do you want to come to my house and watch a movie?” John


“Sure,” Shelly accepts his offer.

Love at first sight. :)


8. Plants


Plants are God’s flesh and blood because he is the light inside of

them. When a Je.di. eats or drinks plants for communion, they must

say what it is, and that Christ is in it.

For instance, “Joshua is the light. Light is in alcohol.” Then say,

“Joshua I drink your blood. Wash away my sins.” These two things

must be said in communion. Any other plants consumed, it is only

necessary to say, “Joshua is light. Light is in... “Whatever plant flesh

they are consuming.

1 John 1:5 “God is light.” Light is scientifically proven to be inside

of alcohol.

Matthew 11:19 “Christ is called a glutton and a drunkard.” This

means that Christ drank alcohol, but truly never became drunk.

1 Corinthians 11:27-30 “Drinking Christ blood in an unworthy

manner is getting sick or passing out.” Everyone knows that if a person

drinks too much alcohol and gets drunk, they will puke or pass out.

Luke 5:39 “Christ said no one wants new wine after drinking old

wine. He said the old is better.” He clearly agrees and accepts old wine

which is alcohol.

John 6:53 “Christ said no one has life in them unless they eat his

plant flesh, or bread, and drinks his plant blood, or alcohol.” He is the

light inside of the plants.


Vidian Didymus Lawrence


“I pledge allegiance to my God”


My God’s flesh and blood is marijuana’s flesh and chlorophyll.

In the dictionary chlorophyll is explained as, “Any of a group of

green pigments essential in photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the

consumption of the light’s energy of a plant.

“Without light, the Earth would compress the size of a softball,”

my 8th grade science teacher told me.

“When a person consumes plants, they consume the energy of the

light,” a botany college teacher told me.

“God is light!!!” the Holy Bible reads in 1 John 1:5.

Also, in the Holy Bible it is written in Matthew 26:26, “And as

they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to

the disciples and said, “Take, eat; this is My body.” Then He took the

cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of

you. “For this is my blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many

for the remission of sins.”

Christ is claiming to be the light inside of the bread and fermented

plant juice. (Plant blood)

“Light’s energy is inside of alcohol from plants,” my 8th grade

science teacher also told me.

My God is the one light binding the universe together, and moving


“Without light, there would be no heat, plants, air, animals, or

humans,” the encyclopedia explains.

Light is the source of all life.

I believe all of the matter and energy of the universe was emitted by

my Heavenly Father who I call Jehovah.

I call him the “albino Alpha primate”.

Simply put, in my religion, he began with one Spirit inside of an

extremely dense physical body. The Spirit is all of the light throughout

the universe. His physical body has X and Y chromosomes.

In the beginning I believe my God was the only matter and Spirit in

an eternal void of darkness. All of his Light (Spirit) was stored inside of

his body, so he could not see anything of the nothingness surrounding

him. He was very lonely. All he had to communicate with was his

Alpha Primate


X chromosome inside of his one body. Since he was before time in

darkness logically his skin would be pure white, including his hair.

He stretched out his hand and said, “Water.” A stream of blue water

energy emitted from his fingertips like a sphere being fed lightening.

The water glowed dimly because of its source inside of Jehovah’s body

filled with absorbed light.

He did the same thing when he emitted green earth, yellow air, and

red fire in my belief. They orbited around him in the darkness, until

he raised his arms, and they clashed above him into one enormous

compressed Earth.

“Light!!!” he roared. Light pours out of him creating a sphere of

light from his primate body. He formed a ball of compressed light in

his hand, and threw it at his Earth. I call the first Earth the Goddess’


The Goddess egg explodes, and fills the universe with matter and

light. The light being out side of the Father’s body is default gender.

Her name is Jehovah.

She is the Holy Spirit outside of the Father’s body. He is the Holy

Spirit inside of his body. They are one Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is referred to as “he” because it is the Father’s

Spirit. He is one with his X and Y chromosomes and Light.

“Default gender is female,” my 8th grade teacher said.

In the center of the explosion is the Goddess body. (Female clone

of the Father)

Some of the chunks of living Earth died, and some fed on the dead

Earth. This explains the big bang theory.

Witches, Jews, and Christians worship the same God, Jehovah. I

follow all three religions, and call myself a Je.di. (Jehovah disciple).

Jehovah and Christ are one. Marijuana is my God’s flesh, because

his Spirit is in it. I worship it.

She speaks to me in common sense saying, “I am Holy. Use me

in a worthy manner. Do not drive when you smoke me. Get the U.S.

Government in control of distributing my flesh instead of the gangsters

and criminals. Sell my flesh for 5 dollars a session, inside of a U.S.

Government smoking bar. Have security patrol within.”

“I pledge allegiance to Marijuana.”


9. Mansions


The Je.di. Mansions are all like the 90 foot by 90 foot Je.di. Pope

temple. The Pope doesn’t want to live in anything his masters don’t live

in. He is not special. Each mansion is a pyramid that is covered in solar


They house members of the Je.di. Church. Each L shaped room is

rented out for $300 a month.

The 12 rooms upstairs which are 15 foot by 15 foot bedrooms will

be rented out for $100 a month.

The whole Empire building is 270 foot by 270 foot.

Picture 9 squares. One is in the center, and 8 surround it. The 90

foot by 90 foot buildings are connected like the 9 squares.

The center of the 9 is the power room where there are bicycles with

generators attached to batteries on the first floor, and cow batteries on

the second floor. (Explained later.)

Each of these 270 foot buildings are one of 8 connected like an

octagon. The center is a garden, within a glass dome. Grass, trees,

flowers, and other plants inside of the dome surrounds a deep fish tank

swimming pull in the center.

Many homeless are not living on the streets anymore. Most of

them now have a Je.di. spouse and children. They would never have

the chance living like pigeons in New York.

“All men are created equal,” America offers her citizens. How is a

wealthy person who can provide for their family, equal to a homeless

man who struggles for employment to have a family, but is refused a

job, because they have no clean clothes and smell awful?


Vidian Didymus Lawrence

All who are serious about staying off the streets and ready to be

responsible, can simply walk inside of a Je.di. Corporation building,

and apply for employment, using a photo I.D. and social security card.

Every legal U.S. Citizen is guaranteed employment.


10. Royal Je.di.


Any member who joins is a king or queen, prince or princess.

They can be American Police officers who swear allegiance with the

regular Police in America. If there is a riot, and the regular police need

assistance, they can have the option to call the Je.di. Police. Only Je.di.

men will go out and assist their masters who are the regular Police.

The ovaries of the Je.di. women are extremely valuable to the Je.di.

Church, and must be protected at all costs.

The church sessions must be formal balls.

There are 3 types of members which are Jews, gentiles, and the

Pope Je.di.

The Jews are the sheep, and are called ultimate Je.di. Jesus is called

the king of the Jews. They are his servant children.

The gentiles are the sheep dogs who protect the Jews.

The Pope is Vidian Didymus and his wife, Macie Marie Lawrence.

This is explained earlier in lesson number 5.

The Jews and gentiles are members in covens or churches.

They start by 13 members in each of the two. There is one

representative in each of the two covens which are two 1st members.

One Jew and one gentile. (The head Jew and gentile kings) They deliver

the vote for each request from the Pope. The Pope and Popess have the

3rd vote in each request they deliver.

If the Pope and Popess do not share the same vote, then they can

not be permitted to vote in the individual request subject they offered.

Any member can requests subjects to be voted on too. (The Pope-

Popess must agree on firing any member master.)


Vidian Didymus Lawrence

The 13 members in both covens each have a 13 coven themselves.

They are the head of their own. It is the same for their members, and

so on.

When everyone votes in both the Jewish and gentile covens, all of

their votes are added up. The winning vote, either yes or no, is given to

the head Jew and gentile.

They deliver the votes to the Pope, and between the three, the

winning vote is the decision of the request. Again, the three votes are

the Jewish, gentile, and Pope Votes.

The important priorities of the Je.di. Church are the following:

1: Orphans who are well educated of the Je.di. Religion, and truly

accept it, are the first priority. They will be accepted to live in Je.di.

Orphanage mansions, where they will live as royal princes or princesses.

They will be educated, and trained to live as royalty. Je.di. orphans

will also be trained in martial arts. So they can protect themselves, and

all of the other Je.di.

2: Living fetuses are the second priority. There will be an alternative

to abortions from the Je.di. Church.

This option is for a pregnant mother to go to a Je.di. Pro-life clinic

where their fetus will be safely removed prematurely. Then placed in an

artificial womb where they will grow safely until they are ready to be

taken out.

When removed they will be trained to be free Je.di. American

citizens who owe their very lives to Christ. He saved them from being

butchered legally by child killing abortionists.

3: Homeless people who accept, and are educated in the Je.di.

Religion, are the third priority. They will live in Je.di. Mansions, and

work for the Empire in their choice Je.di. job. This opportunity will be

given to anyone who chooses to join from any country in their country.

The important jobs are police officers, fi re men, and doctors.

4: Single parents Je.di. Welfare is the 4th priority. Any single parent

Je.di. Member will be eligible for Je.di. Welfare, if they will educate

their children with Je.di. School material and tests.

Every member must home school their children with the Je.di.

material supplied. The material will include complete courses in


Alpha Primate


They must work in their homes as telemarketers for the Je.di.

Empire, by transferring donations from the people they call to the

Je.di. savings account that only Vidian has access to. The money will

be transferred using Je.di. Internet, and the credit or check card of the

person who wishes to donate money.

Je.di. Internet is virus and spy ware free which includes websites

that will be under close observation by Je.di. security guards on line.

There will be strict security observation when users wish to upload files

to the Je.di. Internet.

5: The 5th priority will be wine producing factories. These factories

will supply jobs to the members, and cheep wine for communion in

church sessions.

6: Cow meat production will be the 6th priority.

The cows will be grown in tanks which will be lined up in rows

inside of lab rooms. They will have wires in their bodies that harness

electricity. The electricity will be collected in high voltage batteries for

powering the mansions and robots.

Another way to harness electricity for the batteries will be from

bicycles that are attached to generators. The generator bikes will be

lined up in factory rooms where the Je.di. workers get paid to pedal for

8 hours a day. They will have several breaks of course. The workers can

also have plugs for wires to harness their electricity like the cows.

All that pedaling will produce plenty of electricity from their bodies.

Milk cows can have tubes attached to their nipples to collect milk.

The cows will be removed when ready to be slaughtered. They will

be fully sedated in the tanks, and when they are removed.

Before the cows are slaughtered, they will have their brains destroyed

using a hand operated machine that quickly forces a spike in and out

of their skulls.

The cow meat will be sold cheap to starving people across the world

beginning in America first. Of course the hungry will be put to work in

Je.di. jobs in their area, to earn the money to purchase their food and

live in mansions, if they are members of course.

The non-members may buy the Je.di. meat from grocery stores, but

will not be given the opportunity to work for the Je.di., or live in the



11. Hell


In hell, lava (or Earth blood) contains the spirits of the unsaved.

Devilan is crowded by other prisoners.

However, in his mind, he is tortured by demons day and night. In

his mind, hooks on chains bind his arms and legs. He cannot move, as

the demons bite his spirit flesh, and rip him to pieces. Then his body

parts come back together, and the cycle is repeated.


12. Wiccan Witch


Christ practiced Witchcraft.

He had a coven of 13. 12 disciples plus he made 13. Covens are

Wiccan. Wiccan covens are called churches.

He had communion as do Witches. In fact, he claimed to be the

light inside of the bread and wine used in communion.

Magick is miracles, that must be answered from a prayer to the

God, and his Holy Goddess within Christ after he came down from

heaven to die.

Before, Magick was prayers to Jehovah’s male and female bodies.

Two as one. Y and X.

Magic with only a “C” is not praying to the God and Goddess.

Magic is evil magic. Magick is good magick. Magick always begins

with prayer to God only.

Christ claimed to be light. Light is Spirit in the Wiccan Pentacle.

They worship the God and Goddess.

The Father is the God, Goddess, and the Holy Spirit. Their Son is


The reason Witches are hated is, because so called Witches back

then said, “There is no such thing as Satan or Hell.” That is calling

Christ a liar.

After the fall of man, God created the Wiccan religion to be

worshiped by righteous people on Earth. They were the beginning

religion that worshiped God purely. Then they got corrupt. Their

teachers said that there is such a thing as black magick. All magick is

praying to God to do miracles. Magic is black in all cases because it is


Vidian Didymus Lawrence

not praying to God for miracles. Then they said that it is ok to worship

idols after the tower of Babel.

So God decided to create a new religion that worships him called

the Jews. Soon they got corrupt too. Some of the high priests began

worshiping themselves.

When God sent his wife’s spirit to chemically bond with Mary’s

son Yeshua, the Jew leaders finally killed him. The new religion God

made after the Jews killed his Goddess baby in man flesh was catholic.

The catholic pope’s began to be corrupt by allowing Witch burning.

Knowing that Christ did Witchcraft. Obviously, Christ wanted the

three religions made one.

So now God made the ultimate religion called Je.di. It is all three

made one, and will never get corrupt, because the control of the church

is under three votes. The Jews vote, gentiles vote, and Pope Vote. All

three are under God’s authority.

Wiccans call baptism “Wiccanning.”

Wiccans use Holy water.

The pentacle right side up represents the worship of God’s Spirit,

and the four elements of nature. Since Christ is the light, and the light

is inside of the four elements, it makes him the pentacle. This makes

the right side up pentacle Christian too.

When it is upside down it represents the worship of self instead of

God in nature. This is a satanic symbol which confuses a lot of people

into believing that it is a Witch symbol, when it is not.

Witches live by the law of loving others, and doing unto others as

they would have done to them. However, both Christians and Wiccans

believe in killing a person who has or will kill an innocent person.

Wiccans use the energy of the light Spirit to do Magick, by collecting

it using their Magick voice. A Magick voice is a deepened vocal tone

that causes the body to flow with electricity from the vibration.

Witches believe in evil spirits.

When they meditate, they imagine that inhaling air in their

stomachs fills the body with positive energy, and exhaling from their

stomachs releases negative energy.

Some Witches are so full of light that they do not need to cast a

pentacle circle to do Magick, like Christ. However, to avoid negative

Alpha Primate


energy from those who wish for them to fail in their spell, it is a good

idea to cast the circle to block out their enemies’ wish for their failure.

Fake Witches (so called Witches) say, “Worship the God and the

Goddess, but it is ok to worship idols and other gods too.” Fakes call

themselves pagans. True Witches worship the true God of the Jews and

Christians. (Jehovah)


13. Heaven


“I have returned my Father with all of the souls I promised,” the

Goddess said to the Father inside of the male Joshua Christ.

“I love you my Son. In you I am well pleased,” Jehovah says while

hugging himself in Christ.

“I love you all, my family,” Vidian Didymus says to his wife Macie

Marie, his kids, two purist clones, and the spirits of Jerith and Verona.




Warning! This story is extremely disturbing.

The good guys are very powerful and need

equally powerful enemies to balance the

circle of good and evil. Vidian hates the

enemies in this story with Christian love,

and asks that you keep in mind that he is a

hero of this story, not a Satanist. Thank you

for your attention. Enjoy the story.



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