Love is a seemlingly simple concept.  It is what makes two people desire to spend their time togther, to share their lives with each other, and to bear children with each other.  Yet, the words "I love you" have caused as much pain as they have joy.  It is arguably all there is in life to live for, and yet it has caused many a death.  Blissful affection can often end in crushing heartbreak, and it is the tireless pursuit of love that fuels almost everything one does in life.  Consider the thousands of books written about the trials of love, the millions of songs written about the attainment and loss of love...  so much is done in the name of this most cruel of four-letter words.  Joy and pain, sexual craving and platonic friendship...  so, love, this ever confusing aspect of life...  what is it REALLY?

"Everyone admits that love is wonderful and necessary, yet no one agrees on just what it is."
                        -- Diane Ackerman
Love is....
"Love is Art is Life."  -Julius Virtue  (The faerie webmaster.)

"Love is a great beautifier."  -Louisa May Alcott  (American writer, reformer.)

"LOVE IS A BLOODSPORT!"  -Bri  (a bi-boi friend of Jules)

"Love is faith and one faith leads to another."  -Henri-Frederic Amiel  (Swiss philosopher, poet)

"Love is a bitch."  -Alicia Traurig  (Jules's best friend)

"Love is an exploding cigar we willingly smoke."  -Lynda Barry  (American cartoonist, writer)

"Love is indescribable."  -Rich Kearns  (Jules's friend and a hopeless romantic and cynic)

"Love is Life.  And if you miss Love, you miss Life."  -Dr. Felice Leonardo Buscaglia  (American Professor of Education at USC)

"Love is futile."  -Tom  (A gay-boi friend of Jules, who also happened to be depressed.)

"Love is a fire.  But whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn down your house, you can never tell."  -Joan Crawford  (American actress)

"Love is what I got."  -Chris Scofield  (Jules's musically oriented friend.)