Here's the analysis of my name. Comments in red are from me.

The name of Amanda has given you an appreciation for many beautiful and refined aspects of life--music and art, literature, drama--and the outdoors, where you find much peace and relaxation, but it creates a far too sensitive nature.

Yup ! Not only am I an actress and enjoy literature, but I am WAY too sensitive. I let the dumbest things drag me down sometimes.

You sense and feel much that you do not understand, and sometimes you are alarmed at your thoughts and wonder about their origin. You rarely experience the tranquility that comes with stability of thinking or emotional control.

C'mon. Anyone who TALKS to me knows how true that is.

At times, you are very inspired, desiring to be with people and to entertain others as the "life of the party," while at other times you are aloof and choose to remove yourself entirely from association.

My God, is that the truth. Around my friends, I'm Wiry-City, around strangers I can be Miss Ice Queen.

You crave understanding and affection but your intensity of desire and your self-consciousness prevent you from finding the happiness you desire. You have suffered many disappointments and misunderstandings because of your inability to express your inner thoughts.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

The name Noelle has given you inspirational, idealistic, and dramatic qualities. You have a clever, deep mind and the talent to excel in highly inspirational lines of endeavour as a dramatist, musician, writer, or artist.

Hey-- the drama thing again ! What can I say ?

You can be lifted by beauty in all forms and are at the most creative when inspired. Your expressive, affectionate nature responds quickly through your feelings, but you must guard against being possessive and jealous.

I have way too much misplaced envy sometimes.

Your delight in mystery and your sensitivity to things you do not understand could draw you into occult studies or religions. Unfortunately, it is difficult for you to retain emotional stability, for you can easily swing into moods of depression and self-pity. Your quick temper can flare up suddenly and be over as suddenly, leaving you very sorry for any suffering you have caused.

It's ME ! I have the worst mood swings in the world !!!
