Odd Goodie I've Gotten Hold Of...
As much as i love DEM oldie pics...I love to get recent pics of what's happening today...It's great to see a recent pic of Joe Doe that you haven't seen in 25 years...and here he is on the Grantman site.....
This is "The Amanda Trio"...not sure who is on bass but it don't take a genius to know the person in the centre is AMANDA  and on the right BUD WILKS...They play mainly country and old standards...
AL REES who resides in Florida..practising his drums once again with a """"friend""""....most of us could use a friend like that hahahahahahahaha
Same venue is LILLY SAZZ  and "The Blues Corporation"...I have other snaps of the same get-together which i will post shortly....
RUSS  MCALLISTER sent me a few snaps taken on Good Friday during one of his yearly jams...this one held at the Squires Pub....pictured is MICHAEL KEYS on the pie annie...