Prairie C
Resource Property Development

HEADLINE ! - October 14, 2005,- Cabo Announces Favourable Results on Cobalt Project Drilling!

HEADLINE ! - August 1, 2005 - Prairie C Acquires High Potential Diamond Claims

HEADLINE ! - May 26, 2005 - Cabo Updates Cobalt Area Exploration!

area map
Prairie C would like to welcome you to our site. It is primarily dedicated to  current mineral exploration activities in the Cobalt Mining Camp near Cobalt, Ontario, Canada.

The Cobalt Mining Camp has earned the title "Cradle of Canadian Mining" as a result of the impact from discoveries made during the boom years following 1903-1904 and the heyday of Silver Legend brought about by McKinley, Darragh and Larose. Some of the wealth generated during those years went to develop some of the richest deposits in the world and made Cobalt the "Silver Capital of Canada".

More recently, Prairie C made the first discovery of Diamondiferous Lamprophyre and in the Cobalt area. 3 diamond fragments retrieved from a 22 kg sample of heterolithic lamprophyre dike in Lorrain Twp and proclaimed a new Diamond Discovery area in the Temiskaming region. Cabo Mining followed up this newly discovered potential in the claim area with a drill hole result of 95 diamonds containing 4 Macro diamonds on it's adjacent, Boundary Zone claims.

The confirmation of diamonds in Lorrain Twp has placed the Cobalt Mining Camp and area Townships, in the ranks of those areas considered highly prospective for the discovery of Diamondiferous Kimberlites along the Lake Temiskaming Structural Zone and more notably in structures relating to the Cross Lake Fault.

Click on the image to the left to view a map of our project area.

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Last Update: October 18, 2005
