Programing tools Presents: Enhance your web pages Super cool backgrounds
WebMasters Portal
Tricks with Scripts
Change the colors on your scroll bar
Get the script with this wonderfull
Scroll bar color Script Creator.
Animated Backgrounds

animated backgrounds

Checa estas graficas
Estas graficas fueron dibujadas por un programa de computadora que genera graficas al azar dependiendo de formulas matematicas descubiertas por Benoit Mandelbrot. Estas graficas ningun humano las dibujo o las creo aunque paresca imposible Estas graficas son fractales, vealas por usted mismo.

Scroll Bar Color Tool

Paste in these
boxes the

Arrow Color:
Track Color:
Shadow Color:
Face Color:
Highlight Color:
DarkShadow Color:
3DLight Color:
Create Code, Get It,
Right click on the box where the code is,
Copy and Paste the code between
in your html document:

Get the Hex Color code here


Copy this hex code and paste in the scroll bar color box

animated bacgrounds

cool backgrounds

Graphics never seen before.
This graphics were auto generated by a program
with random numbers and a Quantum Formula
and not by humans