" Our Lord, make not our hearts to swerve after that Thou last guided us; and give us mercy from Thee; Thou art the Giver "

The False Equation

Still some Christian scholars try hard to deny the fact that the Prophet Mohammad was foretold in the old and new testaments. For me it changes nothing for the Holly Qur'an says that Muhammad (pbuh) was foretold in ancient Scriptures. That will be enough as a sign of truth. The remaining details are futile. The sort of people who endeavored, in the past, to change the words of God so as to clean up the Testaments from all the prophecies, concerning the rise of Islam, are now working hard to deny the fact that the "Comforter" or the "Helper" mentioned in Deuteronomy 18:15,18, for example, are referring to the prophet Mohammad. This truth couldn't be hidden for it is in many other scattered places in the Testaments. May be true Christians, will one day, cease to hide the truth with anet and open the ancient Testaments hidden in the old Churches. As for now let's suppose that the prophet Mohammad is not the prophet mentioned in the Holly Books. So what about the other things in the Books which lead to worship different Gods not "One"? The Christians claim they are monotheists. How come? The Father is God, the son (Jesus) is God and the Holly spirit is God. Nobody would agree, even children in primary schools, to admit that (1 + 1 + 1 = 1). I'm sure Christian scholars can manage to make the wrong right anyhow.

It is universally acknowledged that extremism, in all its facets, is not tolerated by rational people. This extremism should not only be on the level of aggressive reactions; it also could be described as such any maneuver to hide truth and mislead people by demagogical argumentations. Truth is the only sacred thing that people would commit a sin if they hid it. Those who tell us that the Bible is the word of God are hiding the truth because God could not have told those filths in the "Apocrypha", for instance. God also is innocent from many of the stupid things that the "fabricated" verses of the Scriptures say. In a word, Jesus is neither a son of God as the Christians say nor a bastard as the Jews claim. He is an honorable apostle and a saint messenger of God.

Westerners, in general, have gone a pretty deal ahead off many other nations in the fields of science, industry, military, and technology; yet as far as spirituality is concerned, they are really out of it. They believe in something only mentally disordered people would accept, notably the Trinity. To explain this, even it is hard to do, I should be a little more decent. God slept with Mary and the latter gave birth to a baby baptized Jesus Christ the son of God. Therefore the new born "unique" son of God is a God, too. The mediator between the Father and his son is the Holly Spirit that He also should be worshiped. The result is that we have three Gods that each one is worshiped in terms of a share in the Trinity. I cannot go further for I am not as excellent in explaining the inexplicable as the Christian theologians. The Jews on the other hand said that Jesus is born out of adultery. His father is Joseph who accompanied Mary in a trip somewhere and slept with her mid-way illegitimately because he was not her husband. Jesus (May peace be upon Him) is a bastard according to Jews.

As we may understand, only atheist people could say these heresies. The truth is that Jesus Christ is neither a God nor a bastard. Only Muslims can tell us the truth because they have got it and it is logical and understandable even to stupid people. Jesus according to Muslims is a word of God, He said to him," be" and he was. Jesus' birth is a real miracle but Adams case is an extraordinary miracle. Jesus at least was born from the web of a mother whereas Adam was created by the word "be" of God with no mother or father. Muslims, it is clear, are more informed. Jesus being a God is refuted as unacceptable logically. His crucifixion also is a profanation. Worse is the way Christians try to explain how God may see his son (God) tortured by people and does nothing. Can you bear, you human, this situation: to let your son down while he is trampled and maimed in front of your eyes while you have got the power to stop the procedure and do nothing. Then the things they said about his recession and the Friday night he spent in the grave and the Sunday morning the tomb was empty. Where did Jesus go afterwards? Nobody knows. (See the crucifixion story)

Finally, the fact that Mohammad was foretold in the Bible is true though some theologians try to demolish it. The passages of the old and new Testaments where this prophecy is clear were being systematically deleted from the original texts centuries ago. In the Holly Qur'an we read:

"And remember, Jesus, The son of Mary, said: "O children of Israel! I am the messenger of God (sent) to you, confirming the law (which came) before me, and giving glad tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmed".
That would be sufficiently enough to believe that the old and new Testaments contain this same expression. If it is not in the Bible any more, it is because important changes have occured on the Holy Book very so often. Many things have been omitted because the church commission don't see they are of any importance for faith. The most recent is the omitting of all direct references of the birth of the virgin in the edition of the Scottish new publication (1990). What do you expect more?!

Finally, and before I close this reflexion, I'd like to quote George Bernard Shaw talking about Muhammad, the prophet and messenger to mankind, in The Genuine Islam. He said,
"I have studied him — the wonderful man — and in my opinion far from being an anti-Christ he must be called the saviour of humanity."

"I am a link"
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" It is they who have taken error in exchange for guidance and punishment for forgiveness. How great is their endurance of the Fire! "