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First Name :   Carol
URL :   
Comment :   I love the website! Great job! PnF's is like my family..The very best ladies I know!
First Name :   annette/nette
Comment :   it is adorable!
First Name :   Georgie
URL :   
Comment :   Site looks great........
First Name :   Cindy
URL :   
Comment :   Wonderful job, ladies!! PNF is the best!! I couldn't ask for a greater group of cyber friends!
First Name :   Julie
Comment :   Great job on the PNF Website, Christi and Julia! I'm really enjoying this list alot ~ thanks for all you do! *Ü*
First Name :   Debbie
Comment :   Christi said to sign this so i am signing it! You know what a taskmaster Christi is! LOL
First Name :   Jean
URL :   
Comment :   You have done a great job girls. The site looks wonderful!!
First Name :   Janet
Comment :   Aww, you guys have done such a great job! This is an absolutely adorable site! I just love the graphics & the Providers page!
First Name :   Ruth
Comment :   What a nice site, Christi! Thanks for all your hard work! Ruth
First Name :   Ruth
URL :   none
Comment :   Things look Great Christi! :) Awesome job!
First Name :   Diane
URL :   
Comment :   Hi I run lists at yahoo too. I would love to be on yoru lists. YOur site is awesome!
First Name :   Betsy
Comment :   I enjoyed visiting your attractive and informative site. My site has children's horse books, free info about safety around horses, toys, games, etc. about horses.
First Name :   Patrysha Korchinski
Comment :   Thanks so much for featuring my article on respecting day care providers. I hope that your readers will also be interested in checking out my site and newsletter for providers at
First Name :   cathy
Comment :   I have truly enjoyed your site and found it very helpful. Thankyou for prodividing it.
First Name :   Donna
Email Address :
URL :   
Comments :   What a great site !!!!! You have helped with some wonderful ideas for my valentines party! Looking forward to be back when I have time to browse more. You must be wonderful with children anyone should feel blessed to have you with their kids.
First Name :   diane kelley
Email Address :
Comments :   I love your site andyou do such a wonderfu job.
First Name :   Becce
Email Address :
Comments :   All of that hard work you put in pays for itself tenfold! It looks fantastic!!!!!!!!!!
First Name :   Fazlath
Email Address :
URL :   
Comments :   One of the best web sights I have visited, and wish you all the very best
First Name :   Diane
Email Address :
URL :   
Comments :   Hi I would love if you could maybe post my name and see if anyone knows me on there. I would love to join your lists. I love your website. thanks Diane
First Name :   Robin
Email Address :
URL :   
Comments :   I am planning on opening a day care in my home ..I found some very good input on your site
First Name :   Ana
Email Address :   maggichr14
URL :   hotmail
Comments :   It´s a great place to find different activities to my children. Thanks a lot.
First Name :   Cristy
Email Address :
URL :   
Comments :   Great Site with a whole lot of work put in to it! WOW!!
First Name :   diane
Email Address :
Comments :   this site is always good and such good things.
First Name :   Janet
Email Address :
Comments :   This site just keeps getting better & better! Keep up the good work, Christi! I know how hard you have worked on this site! I'd be glad to help ya anytime! LYLAS! :)
First Name :   Cindi
Email Address :
Comments :   Enjoyed my visit very much!
First Name :   Pamela
Email Address :   Prichard
URL :   
Comments :   I love your website! I was so disappointed to read that membership is by referral only. Is it okay to start a similar website open to new members?
First Name :   Sheryl
Email Address :   
URL :   
Comments :   I found my look around to be very enlighten. I especially enjoyed the poems. Keep up the excellent work. All the best.
First Name :   Sherry
Email Address :
URL :   
Comments :   I have really taking my time to look around your site! How nice it is to have a group of like minded friends, to share ideas with. You have done a great job. Best wishes and God Bless. Shery
First Name :   Jennifer
Email Address :
Comments :   Really nice site!
First Name :   Ruth
Email Address :
URL :   
Comments :   Wonderful information here! Thanks Christi!
First Name :   Lashana
Email Address :
URL :   
Comments :   This really helped me not only for my own kids but for my dayare that I am about to start up and we needed the menues for the week up. thanks
First Name :   Marni
Email Address :
URL :   
Comments :   I spent hours on the internet looking for great quotes about children's handprints. I wish I had come across your website first! Thank You!
First Name :   Patricia
Email Address :
URL :   
Comments :   This is really cool thanks for the menu help and idea,s god bless
First Name :   ChildrenFirst
Email Address :
URL :   None
Comments :   Hi, If you're the owner of this website, I love it. I'm always searching for stuff to put in my scrapbook relating to children.
First Name :   Tami
Email Address :
URL :   
Comments :   it is a great site and very helpful
First Name :   Elaine
Email Address :
URL :   
Comments :   Great site! I'll be back often to check out the theme ideas. Thanks for your hard work in putting this all together.
First Name :   Nicole
Email Address :
Comments :   What a great site, and a great group of people. Loads of useful information. I will be back regularly. Huggles
First Name :   aloha
Email Address :
URL :   
Comments :   I love the poems about sick kids! wOULD BE GREAT TO FIND SIMILAR poems about late pickup/arrivals, no check on pay day etc.
First Name :   Tammie
Email Address :
URL :   
Comments :   I love it!!! I am new to Home Daycare and I have found so much useful information from your website. Thanks for all of your help! Please let me know when you are accepting new members, I would love to be part of your group!
First Name :   Ann
Email Address :
URL :   
Comments :   I'm a day care provider with NO early childhood background. After 20 years working in the legal field, I had a child and am working at home. This site has given me tons of ideas. Thanks SO much for being on line!
First Name :   Jennifer
Email Address :
URL :   n/a
Comments :   Enjoyed my visit, Site is very nice an informative. Saddened that it is closed to the general provider population.
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