These lessons require the knowledge and understanding of the basic functions of PSP 5/6. Notice how I have no tutorials on How To Start Up PSP 5/6, How To Save A File, How To Draw A Circle or How To Create A Line. If you would like to acquire the knowledge of these things please read the manual that comes with PSP 5/6 or go to JASC's web site for support. Experimentation is the most effective tutorial of all.


1) A evaluation copy or purchsed copy of Paint Shop Pro 5.0 or higher By: Jasc Software.  This can be obtained at  Amazon.com.

(Click image for ordering Information)

2) A basic knowledge of the interface and work area of PSP.

3)  The ability to open a file & created a new image in PSP.

These plug-ins for PSP are very useful.  There are many FREE plugins available but these 2 are the ones I use the most.
1)  A demo copy or purchased copy of BladePro, available at Flaming Pear Software.

2)  A copy of NVR Bordermania  Installation instructions, registration & license information available on site.  And ALL FREE

These lessons will run continuously.  You will be able to join at any time.  A list of lessons & challenges will be posted. You may choose any lesson you wish.  You are asked to complete that challenge using the technique learned in that lesson.  After completing 5 challenges  you will receive a graphic for you web page.

You will need a Yahoo! ID if you don't have one.  I started a club for posting your challenges:  http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/pspchallenge?as  You will need an invite to join this club.  Sign up for the workshop and challenges now!  I will create an album for you and e-mail you an invite to this club and the URL of the challenges..

If you need help with some of the basics, here are a few tutorials offered:

Books I highly recommend:

Sams Teach Yourself Paint Shop Pro 6 in 24 Hours
by T. Michael Clark

(Click image for ordering Information)

Paint Shop Pro 6 Power!
by Lori J. Davis

(Click image for ordering Information)