Is This What They Wanted?

Recipe For Creating A Terrorist:

This May Answer A Lot Of Questions

Take one, shy and insecure boy. The quieter the better. Slowly add the relentless search for meaning & purpose & beat until the contents are thoroughly mixed. Set the bowl aside.

Now, in a separate container, measure out equal parts impressionable green recruit with youthful romantic vision of going to war. Take a wooden rolling pin and pummel the daylights out of young soldiers disturbing chants: "Kill! Kill Kill! Blood makes the grass grow!" repeatedly. Set pin aside and use a sharp knife & begin shredding the psyches of young kids by turning them into efficient killers. Discard any left over innocence & toss it in the fire pit until only gray ashes are left behind.

Take raw cookie dough and shape it into delicious steely war machines. You can always add more raw recruits if required. If you want to succeed in the Gulf War, you may need more ammunition. It is essential that your cooking be a success or else, what's the point?

Bake at 350 degrees of desert heat for the duration of the war. Remove from the oven when the batter bubbles. The cookies will be hot. Impetuously toss any misshapen Saudis into the fire. Spray Saudis with misty red dye. When all your cooking & baking is complete, leave the kitchen in a horrible mess. No-one is called to clean it up. It's somebody else's problem I guess.

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