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Editorial Board


Dmitri Rabounski

Associate Editors

Florentin Smarandache

Larissa Borissova

Stephen J. Crothers

Information about the Editors can be found here

E-mail addresses

Postal address

Prof. Florentin Smarandache

Department of Mathematics

and Science,

University of New Mexico,

200 College Road,

Gallup, NM 87301, USA

ISSN: 1555-5534 (print)

ISSN: 1555-5615 (online)

© Progress in Physics

Issued volumes

Issues of Progress in Physics are accessible, in PDF format, through the direct links:

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2009(3), Size: 3.0Mb

2009(2), Size: 3.8Mb

2009(1), Size: 6.2Mb

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2008(3), Size: 3.7Mb

2008(2), Size: 6.2Mb

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2007(1), Size: 4.8Mb

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2005(1), Size: 0.8Mb

Maintained books

Electronic copies of the books are available for free distribution, according to the copyright agreement in the framework of which the books have been published.

by Simon E. Shnoll
English edition,
Svenska fysikarkivet, Stockholm, 2009
(coming soon)

by Simon E. Shnoll
Originally edition in Russian,
Svenska fysikarkivet, Stockholm, 2009, 12.2Mb PDF

by Larissa Borissova and Dmitri Rabounski
Svenska fysikarkivet, Stockholm, 2008, 2.0Mb PDF

by Albert Khazan
Svenska fysikarkivet, Stockholm, 2008, 6.7Mb PDF

by S. K. Sahay
Svenska fysikarkivet, Stockholm, 2008, 2.2Mb PDF

by Dmitri Rabounski and Larissa Borissova
Svenska fysikarkivet, Stockholm, 2008, 1.2Mb PDF

by Stefan Marinov
4th ed., Svenska fysikarkivet, Stockholm, 2009
(coming soon)

by Indranu Suhendro
Svenska fysikarkivet, Stockholm, 2008, 1.8Mb PDF

by Bo Lehnert
Svenska fysikarkivet, Stockholm, 2007, 3.5Mb PDF

by Stefan Marinov
3rd ed., East-West Publishers, Graz, 1987, 1.5Mb DjVu. A large-size 16.6Mb PDF file is also accessed.

by Abraham Zelmanov
American Research Press, Rehoboth (NM), 2006, 2.9Mb PDF (English edition)

by Abraham Zelmanov
American Research Press, Rehoboth (NM), 2006, 2.9Mb PDF (Russian edition)

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ATTENTION AUTHORS:   The journal has changed its publication policy and design. Commencing with the issue 01/2010 only short papers will be accepted; no larger than 8 typeset journal pages, and no more than two papers by the same author per issue, and containing a minimal inclusion of objects such as graphics, etc. Longer papers will be published in the section Special Reports in only exceptional cases, where fundamental problems are considered. Furthermore, as with most other scientific journals, authors are obliged to format their papers in LaTeX, strictly in accordance with the template. The template has also been changed. Use the new template please. Incorrectly formatted papers (i.e. not LaTeX with the template) will not be considered. Progress in Physics is a non-profit/academic journal for rapid publications, and its personell work voluntarily. Authors must assist by conforming to this policy, to make the publication process as easy and fast as possible.

"All scientists shall have the right to present their scientific research results, in whole or in part, at relevant scientific conferences, and to publish the same in printed scientific journals, electronic archives, and any other media."  —  Declaration of Academic Freedom, Article 8

Progress in Physics is an American scientific journal, registered with the Library of Congress (DC, USA): ISSN 1555-5534 (print version) and ISSN 1555-5615 (online version). Our journal is peer reviewed and listed in the abstracting and indexing coverage of: Mathematical Reviews of the AMS (USA), DOAJ of Lund University (Sweden), Zentralblatt MATH (Germany), Scientific Commons of the University of St.Gallen (Switzerland), Open-J-Gate (India), Referential Journal of VINITI (Russia), etc. Progress in Physics is an open-access journal published and distributed in accordance with the Budapest Open Initiative: this means that the electronic copies of both full-size version of the journal and the individual papers published therein will always be acessed for reading, download, and copying for any user free of charge. The journal is issued quarterly (four volumes per year).

Progress in Physics has been created for publications on advanced studies in theoretical and experimental physics, including related themes from mathematics. All submitted papers should be professional, in good English, containing a brief review of a problem and obtained results. We usually accept brief papers, no larger than 8 typeset journal pages. Short articles are preferable. Large papers can be considered in exceptional cases to the section Special Reports intended for such publications in the journal. Letters related to the publications in the journal or to the events among the science community can be applied to the section Letters to Progress in Physics. All that has been accepted for the online issue is printed in the paper version of the journal. An abstract and the necessary information about author(s) should be included in the papers.

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For example:

Smith A.B. and Jones C.D. Treatment on thermodynamics. Journal on Physics, 2007, v.52, no.11, 10-22.
Smith A.B. and Jones C.D. On the basics of thermodynamics. Proceedings of the Meeting on Thermodynamics, Scientific Publishers, New York, 2007, 112-122.
Smith A.B. and Jones C.D. Numerous aspects of thermodynamics. arXiv: 0706.3485.
Smith A.B. and Jones C.D. New lectures on thermodynamics. Scientific Publishers, New York, 2007.

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List of Published Papers

2009, volume 4

Robitaille P.-M.
Kirchhoff's Law of Thermal Emission: 150 Years [ 872Kb ]

Robitaille P.-M.
Blackbody Radiation and the Loss of Universality: Implications for Planck's Formulation and Boltzman's Constant [ 114Kb ]

Robitaille P.-M.
COBE: A Radiological Analysis [ 734Kb ]

Vezzoli G. C.
Active Galactic Nuclei: the Shape of Material Around Black Holes and the Witch of Agnesi Function. Asymmetry of Neutrino Particle Density  [ 830Kb ]

Cahill R. T.
Combining NASA/JPL One-Way Optical-Fiber Light-Speed Data with Spacecraft Earth-Flyby Doppler-Shift Data to Characterise 3-Space Flow  [ 1600Kb ]

Bruchholz U. E.
Geometry of Space-Time  [ 103Kb ]

Bruchholz U. E.
Derivation of Planck's Constant from Maxwell's Electrodynamics  [ 95Kb ]

Shapovalov S. N., Rubinstein I. A., Troshichev O. A., and Shnoll S. E.
Changes in the Shape of Histograms Constructed from the Results of 239-Pu Alpha-Activity Measurements Correlate with the Deviations of the Moon from the Keplerian Orbit  [ 233Kb ]

Chifu E. N.
Astrophysically Satisfactory Solutions to Einstein's R-33 Gravitational Field Equations Exterior/Interior to Static Homogeneous Oblate Spheroidal Masses  [ 170Kb ]

Suhendro I.
A New Finslerian Unified Field Theory of Physical Interactions  [ 219Kb ]

Comay E.
Physical Consequences of Mathematical Principles  [ 173Kb ]

2009, volume 3

Zhang T. X.
A New Cosmological Model: Black Hole Universe  [ 384Kb ]

Abdallah I. A.
Maxwell-Cattaneo Heat Convection and Thermal Stresses Responses of a Semi-Infinite Medium to High-Speed Laser Heating due to High Speed Laser Heating  [ 292Kb ]

Chifu E. N., Howusu S. X. K., and Lumbi L. W.
Relativistic Mechanics in Gravitational Fields Exterior to Rotating Homogeneous Mass Distributions within Spherical Geometry  [ 138Kb ]

Wagener P.
Experimental Confirmation of a Classical Model of Gravitation  [ 118Kb ]

Daywitt W. C.
Limits to the Validity of the Einstein Field Equations and General Relativity from the Viewpoint of the Negative-Energy Planck Vacuum State  [ 191Kb ]

Daywitt W. C.
The Planck Vacuum and the Schwarzschild Metrics  [ 163Kb ]

Quznetsov G. A.
Higgsless Glashow's and Quark-Gluon Theories and Gravity without Superstrings  [ 325Kb ]

Daywitt W. C.
A Heuristic Model for the Active Galactic Nucleus Based on the Planck Vacuum Theory  [ 183Kb ]

Chifu E. N. and Howusu S. X. K.
Solution of Einstein's Geometrical Gravitational Field Equations Exterior to Astrophysically Real or Hypothetical Time Varying Distributions of Mass within Regions of Spherical Geometry  [ 124Kb ]

Chifu E. N., Usman A., and Meludu O. C.
Orbits in Homogenous Oblate Spheroidal Gravitational Space Time  [ 129Kb ]

Al Rabeh R. H.
Primes, Geometry and Condensed Matter  [ 447Kb ]

Abdallah I. A.
Dual Phase Lag Heat Conduction and Thermoelastic Properties of a Semi-Infinite Medium Induced by Ultrashort Pulsed Laser  [ 742Kb ]

Michelini M.
The Missing Measurements of the Gravitational Constant  [ 168Kb ]


Khazan A.
Additional Explanations to "Upper Limit in Mendeleev's Periodic Table — Element No.155". A Story How the Problem was Resolved  [ 98Kb ]

Dadaev A. N.
Nikolai A. Kozyrev (1908-1983) — Discoverer of Lunar Volcanism (On the 100th anniversary of His Birth)  [ 930Kb ]

2009, volume 2

Daywitt W. C.
The Neutrino: Evidence of a Negative-Energy Vacuum State  [ 135Kb ]

Daywitt W. C.
Black Holes and Quantum Gravity from a Planck Vacuum Perspective  [ 109Kb ]

Arbab A. I. and Satti Z. A.
On the Generalized Maxwell Equations and Their Prediction of Electroscalar Wave  [ 150Kb ]

Arbab A. I.
On the New Gauge Transformations of Maxwell's Equations  [ 145Kb ]

Khazan A.
Introducing the Table of the Elements of Anti-Substance, and the Theoretical Grounds to It  [ 490Kb ]

Carroll R.
Aspects of Stability and Quantum Mechanics  [ 162Kb ]

Vasiliev S. A.
On the Physical Model of the Phenomena Registered in the Experiments by Shnoll's Group and Smirnov's Group  [ 240Kb ]

Vezzoli G. C.
Beta Decay and Quark-Antiquark Non-Parity in Collision-Induced Gravity  [ 736Kb ]

Haranas I. I. and Harney M.
The Mass of the Universe and Other Relations in the Idea of a Possible Cosmic Quantum Mechanics  [ 128Kb ]

Daywitt W. C.
A Planck Vacuum Cosmology  [ 156Kb ]

Eckardt H.
An Alternative Hypothesis for Special Relativity  [ 330Kb ]

Stavroulakis N.
On the Field of a Stationary Charged Spherical Source  [ 192Kb ]

Müller H.
Fractal Scaling Models of Resonant Oscillations in Chain Systems of Harmonic Oscillators  [ 587Kb ]

Lehnert B.
On Dark Energy and Matter of the Expanding Universe  [ 152Kb ]

Shnoll S. E. and Rubinstein I. A.
Regular Changes in the Fine Structure of Histograms Revealed in the Experiments with Collimators which Isolate Beams of Alpha-Particles Flying at Certain Directions  [ 838Kb ]

Quznetsov G. A.
4X1-Marix Functions and Dirac's Equation  [ 332Kb ]

Bruchholz U. E.
Key Notes on a Geometric Theory of Fields  [ 223Kb ]

Christianto V. and Smarandache F.
Numerical Solution of Quantum Cosmological Model Simulating Boson and Fermion Creation  [ 107Kb ]


Rabounski D. and Borissova L.
On the Earthly Origin of the Penzias-Wilson Microwave Background  [ 127Kb ]

Robitaille P.-M.
Water, Hydrogen Bonding and the Microwave Background  [ 405Kb ]

Robitaille P.-M.
Global Warming and the Microwave Background  [ 98Kb ]

Khazan A.
On the Upper Limit (Heaviest Element) in the Periodic Table of Elements, and the Periodic Table of Anti-Substance  [ 104Kb ]

Malykin G. B.
Corrections to the Biography of Frank Robert Tangherlini, Published in Progress in Physics, Vol. 1, 2009  [ 97Kb ]

2009, volume 1

Shnoll S. E.
The "Scattering of the Results of Measurements" of Processes of Diverse Nature is Determined by the Earth's Motion in the Inhomogeneous Space-Time Continuum. The Effect of "Half-Year Palindromes"  [ 135Kb ]

Arbab A. I.
The Length of the Day: A Cosmological Perspective  [ 221Kb ]

Gift S.
A Quantum Theory of Magnetism  [ 162Kb ]

Daywitt W. C.
The Planck Vacuum  [ 256Kb ]

Daywitt W. C.
The Source of the Quantum Vacuum  [ 219Kb ]

Wagener P.
A Unified Theory of Interaction: Gravitation, Electrodynamics and the Strong Force  [ 138Kb ]

Paasch K.
The Logarithmic Potential and an Exponential Mass Function for Elementary Particles  [ 1100Kb ]

Christianto V., Smarandache F., and Lichtenberg F.
A Note of Extended Proca Equations and Superconductivity  [ 160Kb ]

Diab S. M.
Phase Transitions in Even-Even Palladium Isotopes  [ 652Kb ]

Daywitt W. C.
The Apparent Lack of Lorentz Invariance in Zero-Point Fields with Truncated Spectra  [ 146Kb ]

Arbab A. I.
On the Tidal Evolution of the Earth-Moon System: A Cosmological Model  [ 222Kb ]

Celakoska E. G. and Trenčevski K.
Parameters for Viability Check on Gravitational Theories Regarding the Experimental Data  [ 120Kb ]

Casuso Romate E. and Beckman J. E.
An Asymptotic Solution for the Navier-Stokes Equation  [ 112Kb ]

Christianto V. and Smarandache F.
On PT-Symmetric Periodic Potential, Quark Confinement, and Other Impossible Pursuits  [ 133Kb ]


Rabounski D.
An Explanation of Hubble Redshift due to the Global Non-Holonomity of Space  [ 158Kb ]

Christianto V., Pitkanen M., and Smarandache F.
A Few Remarks on "The Length of the Day: A Cosmological Perspective"  [ 124Kb ]

Malykin G. B.
Israel L. Bershtein (1908-2000) — the Founder of the Theory of Fluctuations in Self-Oscillating Systems (In Commemorating the 100th Birthday Anniversary)  [ 1900Kb ]

Malykin G. B.
Frank Robert Tangherlini — the Founder of an Alternative Relativistic Kinematics (On the Occasion of His 85th Birthday)  [ 2100Kb ]

2008, volume 4

Wagener P.
A Unified Theory of Interaction: Gravitation and Electrodynamics  [ 187Kb ]

Goldfain E. and Smarandache F.
On Emergent Physics, "Unparticles" and Exotic "Unmatter" States  [ 172Kb ]

Harney M. and Haranas I. I.
The Dark Energy Problem  [ 124Kb ]

Cahill R. T.
Unravelling Lorentz Covariance and the Spacetime Formalism  [ 163Kb ]

Xiao-Song Wang
Derivation of the Newton's Law of Gravitation Based on a Fluid Mechanical Singularity Model of Particles  [ 153Kb ]

Garas'ko G. I.
A Method of Successive Approximations in the Framework of the Geometrized Lagrange Formalism  [ 186Kb ]

Huy Khanh Hoang
Instant Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics  [ 146Kb ]

Abdallah I. A., Hassan A. F., and Tayel I. M.
Thermoelastic Property of a Semi-Infinite Medium Induced by a Homogeneously Illuminating Laser Radiation  [ 748Kb ]

Diab S. M. and Eid S. A.
Nature of the Excited States of the Even-Even 98-108 Ru Isotopes  [ 541Kb ]

2008, volume 3

Haranas I. I. and Harney M.
The Relativistic Corrections to the Gravitational Potential using a Sagnac Interferometer  [ 170Kb ]

Cahill R. T.
Resolving Spacecraft Earth-Flyby Anomalies with Measured Light Speed Anisotropy  [ 418Kb ]

Smarandache F. and Christianto V.
The Neutrosophic Logic View to Schrödinger's Cat Paradox, Revisited  [ 158Kb ]

Wagener P.
A Classical Model of Gravitation  [ 153Kb ]

Ungar A. A.
On the Origin of the Dark Matter/Energy in the Universe and the Pioneer Anomaly  [ 155Kb ]

Robitaille P.-M.
A Critical Analysis of Universality and Kirchhoff's Law: A Return to Stewart's Law of Thermal Emission  [ 190Kb ]

Robitaille P.-M.
Blackbody Radiation and the Carbon Particle  [ 2100Kb ]

Khazan A.
The Rôle of the Element Rhodium in the Hyperbolic Law of the Periodic Table of Elements  [ 670Kb ]

Christianto V. and Smarandache F.
What Gravity Is. Some Recent Considerations  [ 102Kb ]

Neumann U. K. W.
Models for Quarks and Elementary Particles. Part III: What is the Nature of the Gravitational Field?  [ 138Kb ]

Neumann U. K. W.
Models for Quarks and Elementary Particles. Part IV: How Much do We Know of This Universe?  [ 160Kb ]

Sharma A.
The Generalized Conversion Factor in Einstein's Mass-Energy Equation  [ 178Kb ]

Isaeva E. A.
On the Necessity of Aprioristic Thinking in Physics  [ 82Kb ]

Diab S. M. and Eid S. A.
Potential Energy Surfaces of the Even-Even 230-238 U Isotopes  [ 373Kb ]


Goldfain E.
A Brief Note on "Un-Particle" Physics  [ 98Kb ]

Smarandache F.
International Injustice in Science  [ 90Kb ]

2008, volume 2

Borissova L. and Rabounski D.
PLANCK, the Satellite: a New Experimental Test of General Relativity  [ 233Kb ]

Sze Kui Ng
New Approach to Quantum Electrodynamics  [ 435Kb ]

Dumitru S.
Reconsideration of the Uncertainty Relations and Quantum Measurements  [ 305Kb ]

Karimov A. R.
A Model of Discrete-Continuum Time for a Simple Physical System  [ 105Kb ]

Neumann U. K. W.
Models for Quarks and Elementary Particles. Part I: What is a Quark?  [ 703Kb ]

Neumann U. K. W.
Models for Quarks and Elementary Particles. Part II: What is Mass?  [ 352Kb ]

Zhang T. X.
Electric Charge as a Form of Imaginary Energy  [ 157Kb ]

Dubrovskiy V. A.
An "Earth-Planet" or "Earth-Star" Couplet as a Gravitational Wave Antenna, wherein the Indicators are Microseismic Peaks in the Earth  [ 200Kb ]

Carroll R.
Remarks on Conformal Mass and Quantum Mass  [ 122Kb ]

Stavroulakis N.
Gravitation and Electricity  [ 150Kb ]

Diab S. M.
Low-Lying Collective Levels in 224-234 Th Nuclei  [ 440Kb ]

Cahill R. T. and Stokes F.
Correlated Detection of sub-mHz Gravitational Waves by Two Optical-Fiber Interferometers  [ 1800Kb ]

Wang X.-S.
Derivation of Maxwell's Equations Based on a Continuum Mechanical Model of Vacuum and a Singularity Model of Electric Charges  [ 185Kb ]

Suhendro I.
On the Geometry of Background Currents in General Relativity  [ 126Kb ]

Dumitru S.
The Asymptotic Approach to the Twin Paradox  [ 130Kb ]

Smirnov V. N., Egorov N. V., and Schedrin I. S.
A New Detector for Perturbations in Gravitational Field  [ 1500Kb ]

Mora C. and Sánchez R.
Third Quantization in Bergmann-Wagoner Theory  [ 158Kb ]

Bayak I.
Gravity Model for Topological Features on a Cylindrical Manifold  [ 170Kb ]

Christianto V. and Smarandache F.
Kaluza-Klein-Carmeli Metric from Quaternion-Clifford Space, Lorentz' Force, and Some Observables  [ 183Kb ]

Shnoll S. E., Panchelyuga V. A., and Shnoll A. E.
The Palindrome Effect  [ 378Kb ]

Panchelyuga V. A. and Shnoll S. E.
On the Second-Order Splitting of the Local-Time Peak  [ 464Kb ]


Vezzoli G. C.
On the Explanation of the Physical Cause of the Shnoll Characteristic Histograms and Observed Fluctuations  [ 120Kb ]

Shnoll S. E.
Reply to the Letter by Gary C. Vezzoli  [ 94Kb ]

Robitaille P.-M.
The Earth Microwave Background (EMB), Atmospheric Scattering and the Generation of Isotropy  [ 96Kb ]

Rabounski D. and Borissova L.
Reply to the "Certain Conceptual Anomalies in Einstein's Theory of Relativity" and Related Questions  [ 118Kb ]

Isaeva E. A.
Rational Thinking and Reasonable Thinking in Physics  [ 93Kb ]

Rabounski D.
A Blind Pilot: Who is a Super-Luminal Observer?  [ 97Kb ]

2008, volume 1

Harney M.
The Stability of Electron Orbital Shells based on a Model of the Riemann-Zeta Function  [ 192Kb ]

Keilman Y.
In-Depth Development of Classical Electrodynamics  [ 196Kb ]

Lehnert B.
A Model of Electron-Positron Pair Formation  [ 155Kb ]

Carroll R.
Ricci Flow and Quantum Theory  [ 176Kb ]

Dumitru S.
A Possible General Approach Regarding the Conformability of Angular Observables with the Mathematical Rules of Quantum Mechanics  [ 186Kb ]

Suhendro I.
A Unified Field Theory of Gravity, Electromagnetism, and the Yang-Mills Gauge Field  [ 175Kb ]

Christianto V. and Smarandache F.
An Exact Mapping from Navier-Stokes Equation to Schr
ödinger Equation via Riccati Equation  [ 114Kb ]

Christianto V. and Smarandache F.
Numerical Solution of Radial Biquaternion Klein-Gordon Equation  [ 120Kb ]

Zein W. A., Phillips A. H., and Omar O. A.
Spin Transport in Mesoscopic Superconducting-Ferromagnetic Hybrid Conductor  [ 312Kb ]

Isaeva E. A.
Human Perception of Physical Experiments and the Simplex Interpretation of Quantum Physics  [ 98Kb ]

Crothers S. J.
On Certain Conceptual Anomalies in Einstein's Theory of Relativity  [ 176Kb ]

Suhendro I.
On a Geometric Theory of Generalized Chiral Elasticity with Discontinuities  [ 271Kb ]

Haranas I. I. and Harney M.
Geodetic Precession of the Spin in a Non-Singular Gravitational Potential  [ 210Kb ]

Christianto V. and Smarandache V.
A Note on Computer Solution of Wireless Energy Transmit via Magnetic Resonance  [ 113Kb ]

Diab S. M.
The Structure of Even-Even 218-230 Ra Isotopes within the Interacting Boson Approximation Model  [ 720Kb ]

Apostol M.
Covariance, Curved Space, Motion and Quantization  [ 249Kb ]


Apostol M.
Where is the Science?  [ 90Kb ]

Rabounski D.
On the Current Situation Concerning the Black Hole Problem  [ 110Kb ]

2007, volume 4

Stavroulakis N.
On the Gravitational Field of a Pulsating Source  [ 170Kb ]

Cahill R. T.
Dynamical 3-Space: Supernovae and the Hubble Expansion — the Older Universe without Dark Energy  [ 436Kb ]

Cahill R. T.
Dynamical 3-Space: Alternative Explanation of the "Dark Matter Ring"  [ 1740Kb ]

Zein W. A., Phillips A. H., and Omar O. A.
Quantum Spin Transport in Mesoscopic Interferometer  [ 280Kb ]

Carroll R.
Some Remarks on Ricci Flow and the Quantum Potential  [ 140Kb ]

Robitaille P.-M.
The Little Heat Engine: Heat Transfer in Solids, Liquids and Gases  [ 1530Kb ]

Suhendro I.
A Four-Dimensional Continuum Theory of Space-Time and the Classical Physical Fields  [ 240Kb ]

Suhendro I.
A New Semi-Symmetric Unified Field Theory of the Classical Fields of Gravity and Electromagnetism  [ 260Kb ]

Cahill R. T.
Optical-Fiber Gravitational Wave Detector: Dynamical 3-Space Turbulence Detected  [ 296Kb ]

Crothers S. J.
On the "Size" of Einstein's Universe  [ 150Kb ]

Robitaille P.-M.
On the Nature of the Microwave Background at the Lagrange 2 Point. Part I  [ 245Kb ]

Borissova L. and Rabounski D.
On the Nature of the Microwave Background at the Lagrange 2 Point. Part II  [ 219Kb ]

Suhendro I.
A New Conformal Theory of Semi-Classical Quantum General Relativity  [ 170Kb ]

Lehnert B.
Joint Wave-Particle Properties of the Individual Photon  [ 149Kb ]

Christianto V. and Smarandache F.
A New Derivation of Biquaternion Schrödinger Equation and Plausible Implications  [ 140Kb ]

Christianto V. and Smarandache F.
Thirty Unsolved Problems in the Physics of Elementary Particles  [ 90Kb ]


Dunning-Davies J.
Charles Kenneth Thornhill (1917-2007)  [ 145Kb ]

Robitaille P.-M.
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck (1858-1947)  [ 584Kb ]

2007, volume 3

Robitaiile P.-M.
On the Earth Microwave Background: Absorption and Scattering by the Atmosphere  [ 35Kb ]

Shalaby A. S. and El-Gogary M. M. H.
Phase-Variation Enhancement on Deuteron Elastic Scattering from Nuclei at Intermediate Energies  [ 670Kb ]

Douari J. and Ali A. H.
Funnel's Fluctuations in Dyonic Case: Intersecting D1-D3 Branes  [ 271Kb ]

Kotov B. A., Levin B. M., and Sokolov V. I.
On the Possibility of Nuclear Synthesis During Orthopositronium Formation by ß+ Decay Positrons in Deuterium  [ 91Kb ]

Christianto V. and Smarandache F.
Reply on "Notes on Pioneer Anomaly Explanation by Sattellite-Shift Formula of Quaternion Relativity"  [ 78Kb ]

Unruh W. G.
Comment on "Single Photon Experiments and Quantum Complementarity" by D. Georgiev  [ 31Kb ]

Georgiev D. D.
Exact Mapping of Quantum Waves between Unruh's and Afshar's Setup (Reply to W. Unruh)  [ 136Kb ]

Caltenco Franca J. H., López-Bonilla J. L., and Peña-Rivero R.
The Algebraic Rainich Conditions  [ 62Kb ]

Basini G. and Capozziello S.
The Spacetime Structure of Open Quantum Relativity  [ 110Kb ]

Yefremov A., Smarandache F., and Christianto V.
Yang-Mills Field from Quaternion Space Geometry, and its Klein-Gordon Representation  [ 140Kb ]

Panchelyuga V. A. and Shnoll S. E.
On the Dependence of a Local-Time Effect on Spatial Direction  [ 1100Kb ]

Panchelyuga V. A. and Shnoll S. E.
A Study of a Local Time Effect on Moving Sources of Fluctuations  [ 191Kb ]

Rabounski D. and Borissova L.
A Theory of the Podkletnov Effect based on General Relativity: Anti-Gravity Force due to the Perturbed Non-Holonomic Background of Space  [ 555Kb ]


Apostol M.
Comment on the "Declaration of the Academic Freedom" by D. Rabounski  [ 50Kb ]

Enders P.
Is Classical Statistical Mechanics Self-Consistent? (A paper in honor of C. F. von Weizsäcker, 1912-2007)  [ 55Kb ]

Feinstein B. A.
Zelmanov's Anthropic Principle and Torah  [ 38Kb ]

Open Letter by the Editor-in-Chief
Декларация за Академична Свобода: Научни Човешки Права (the Bulgarian translation of the Declaration of Academic Freedom)  [ 55Kb ]

Open Letter by the Editor-in-Chief
Declaraţie asupra Libertăţii Academice: Drepturile Omului în Domeniul Ştiinţific (the Romanian translation of the Declaration of Academic Freedom)  [ 54Kb ]

Open Letter by the Editor-in-Chief
Déclaration de la Liberté Académique: Droits de l'Homme dans le Domain Scientifique (the French translation of the Declaration of Academic Freedom)  [ 52Kb ]

Open Letter by the Editor-in-Chief
Декларация Академической Свободы: Права Человека в Научной Деятельности (the Russian translation of the Declaration of Academic Freedom)  [ 63Kb ]

2007, volume 2

Rabounski D.
The Theory of Vortical Gravitational Fields  [ 140Kb ]

Borissova L.
Forces of Space Non-Holonomity as the Necessary Condition for Motion of Space Bodies  [ 106Kb ]

Hu H. and Wu M.
Evidence of Non-local Chemical, Thermal and Gravitational Effects  [ 1100Kb ]

Crothers S. J.
On Line-Elements and Radii: A Correction  [ 64Kb ]

Crothers S. J.
Relativistic Cosmology Revisited  [ 100Kb ]

Potter F. and Preston H. G.
Cosmological Redshift Interpreted as Gravitational Redshift  [ 70Kb ]

Pérez-Enríquez R., Marín J. L., and Riera R.
Exact Solution of the Three-Body Santilli-Shillady Model of the Hydrogen Molecule  [ 275Kb ]

Tawfik W.
Study of the Matrix Effect on the Plasma Characterization of Six Elements in Aluminum Alloys using LIBS with a Portable Echelle Spectrometer  [ 270Kb ]

A Letter by the Editor-in-Chief
Twenty-Year Anniversary of the Orthopositronium Lifetime Anomalies: The Puzzle Remains Unresolved  [ 64Kb ]

Levin B. M.
A Proposed Experimentum Crucis for the Orthopositronium Lifetime Anomalies  [ 180Kb ]

Christianto V., Rapoport D. L., and Smarandache F.
Numerical Solution of Time-Dependent Gravitational Schrödinger Equation  [ 106Kb ]

Christianto V. and Smarandache F.
A Note on Unified Statistics Including Fermi-Dirac, Bose-Einstein, and Tsallis Statistics, and Plausible Extension to Anisotropic Effect  [ 230Kb ]

Rajamohan R. and Satya Narayanan A.
On the Rate of Change of Period for Accelerated Motion and Their Implications in Astrophysics Effect  [ 92Kb ]

Crothers S. J.
Gravitation on a Spherically Symmetric Metric Manifold  [ 130Kb ]

Stavroulakis N.
On the Propagation of Gravitation from a Pulsating Source  [ 208Kb ]

Khazan A.
Effect from Hyperbolic Law in Periodic Table of Elements  [ 806Kb ]

Tawfik W.
Fast LIBS Identification of Aluminum Alloys  [ 405Kb ]

Yefremov A.
Notes on Pioneer Anomaly Explanation by Sattellite-Shift Formula of Quaternion Relativity: Remarks on "Less Mundane Explanation of Pioneer Anomaly from Q-Relativity"  [ 154Kb ]

Georgiev D. D.
Single Photon Experiments and Quantum Complementarity  [ 156Kb ]

Khazan A.
Upper Limit of the Periodic Table and Synthesis of Superheavy Elements  [ 428Kb ]

2007, volume 1

Robitaille P.-M.
WMAP: A Radiological Analysis  [ 3073Kb ]

Robitaille P.-M.
On the Origins of the CMB: Insight from the COBE, WMAP, and Relikt-1 Satellites  [ 218Kb ]

Rabounski D.
The Relativistic Effect of the Deviation between the CMB Temperatures Obtained by the COBE Satellite  [ 63Kb ]

Lehnert B.
Momentum of the Pure Radiation Field  [ 82Kb ]

Marinov S.
New Measurement of the Earth's Absolute Velocity with the Help of the "Coupled Shutters" Experiment  [ 448Kb ]

Khazan A.
Upper Limit in the Periodic Table of Elements  [ 186Kb ]

Smarandache F. and Christianto V.
Less Mundane Explanation of Pioneer Anomaly from Q-Relativity  [ 91Kb ]

Tawfik W. and Askar A.
Study of the Matrix Effect on the Plasma Characterization of Heavy Elements in Soil Sediments  [ 318Kb ]

Navia C. E., Augusto C. R. A., Franceschini D. F., Robba M. B., and Tsui K. H.
Search for Anisotropic Light Propagation as a Function of Laser Beam Alignment Relative to the Earth's Velocity Vector  [ 381Kb ]

Potter F. and Preston H. G.
Quantization State of Baryonic Mass in Clusters of Galaxies  [ 78Kb  ]

Panchelyuga V. A., Kolombet V. A., Panchelyuga M. S., and Shnoll S. E.
Experimental Investigations of the Existence of a Local-Time Effect on the Laboratory Scale and the Heterogeneity of Space-Time  [ 516Kb ]

Robitaille P.-M.
A High Temperature Liquid Plasma Model of the Sun  [ 112Kb ]

2006, volume 4

Rabounski D.
New Effect of General Relativity: Thomson Dispersion of Light in Stars as a Machine Producing Stellar Energy  [ 238Kb ]

Mina A. N. and Phillips A. H.
Frequency Resolved Detection over a Large Frequency Range of the Fluctuations in an Array of Quantum Dots  [ 111Kb ]

Lo C. Y.

Completing Einstein's Proof of E=mc2  [ 100Kb ]

Rabounski D.
A Source of Energy for Any Kind of Star  [ 263Kb ]

Dunning-Davies J.
The Thermodynamics Associated with Santilli's Hadronic Mechanism  [ 59Kb ]

Smarandache F. and Christianto V.
A Note on Geometric and Information Fusion Interpretation of Bell's Theorem and Quantum Measurement  [ 95Kb ]

Zheng-Johansson J. X. and Johansson P.-I.
Developing de Broglie Wave  [ 615Kb ]

The CTFRP Editors
The Classical Theory of Fields Revision Project (CTFRP)  [ 30Kb ]

Smarandache F. and Christianto V.
Plausible Explanation of Quantization of Intrinsic Redshift from Hall Effect and Weyl Quantization  [ 90Kb ]

Claycomb J. R. and Chu R. C.
Geometrical Dynamics in a Transitioning Superconducting Sphere  [ 70Kb ]

Cahill R. T.
Black Holes and Quantum Theory: The Fine Structure Constant Connection  [ 186Kb ]

Borissova L.
Preferred Spatial Directions in the Universe: a General Relativity Approach  [ 144Kb ]

Borissova L.
Preferred Spatial Directions in the Universe. Part II. Matter Distributed along Orbital Trajectories, and Energy Produced from It  [ 135Kb ]

Basini G. and Capozziello S.
Multi-Spaces and Many Worlds from Conservation Laws  [ 142Kb ]

Cahill R.T.
A New Light-Speed Anisotropy Experiment: Absolute Motion and Gravitational Waves Detected  [ 950Kb ]

2006, volume 3

Open Letter by the Editor-in-Chief
Declaratie van Academische Vrijheid: Wetenschappelijke Mensenrechten (the Dutch translation of the Declaration of Academic Freedom)  [ 47Kb ]

Crothers S. J.
On Isotropic Coordinates and Einstein's Gravitational Field  [ 116Kb ]

Rabounski D., Smarandache F., and Borissova L.
S-Denying of the Signature Conditions Expands General Relativity's Space  [ 135Kb ]

Hu H. and Wu M.
Nonlocal Effects of Chemical Substances on the Brain Produced through Quantum Entanglement  [ 89Kb ]

Castro C. and Pavšič M.
The Extended Relativity Theory in Clifford Spaces: Reply to a Review by W. A. Rodrigues, Jr.  [ 89Kb ]

Crothers S. J.
On the Regge-Wheeler Tortoise and the Kruskal-Szekeres Coordinates  [ 107Kb ]

Feinstein C. A.
Complexity Science for Simpletons  [ 133Kb ]

Lehnert B.
Steady Particle States of Revised Electromagnetics  [ 362Kb ]

Borissova L. and Smarandache F.
Positive, Neutral, and Negative Mass-Charges in General Relativity  [ 99Kb ]

Christov C. I.
Much Ado about Nil: Reflection from Moving Mirrors and the Interferometry Experiments  [ 116Kb ]

Cahill R. T.
The Roland De Witte 1991 Experiment (to the Memory of Roland De Witte)  [ 277Kb ]

Abdel-Rahman M. A., Abdel-Rahman M., Abo-Elsoud M., Eissa M. F., Lotfy Y. A., and Badawi E. A.
Effect of Alpha-Particle Energies on CR-39 Line-Shape Parameters using Positron Annihilation Technique  [ 544Kb ]

Crothers S. J. and Dunning-Davies J.
Planck Particles and Quantum Gravity  [ 83Kb ]

Chung D. and Krasnoholovets V.
The Quantum Space Phase Transitions for Particles and Force Fields  [ 84Kb ]

Zheng-Johansson J. X.
Spectral Emission of Moving Atom Exhibits always a Redshift  [ 151Kb ]

Casuso Romate E. and Beckman J.
Dark Matter and Dark Energy: Breaking the Continuum Hypothesis?  [ 108Kb ]

Abo-Elsoud M.
Phenomenological Model for Creep Behaviour in Cu-8.5 at.% Al Alloy  [ 220Kb ]

Abdel-Rahman M., Abo-Elsoud M., Eissa M. F., Kamel N. A., Lotfy Y. A., and Badawi E. A.
Positron Annihilation Line Shape Parameters for CR-39 Irradiated by Different Alpha-Particle Doses  [ 147Kb ]

2006, volume 2

Rabounski D.
Correct Linearization of Einstein's Equations  [ 91Kb ]

Lo C. Y.
Einstein's Equivalence Principle and Invalidity of Thorne's Theory for LIGO  [ 77Kb ]

Cahill R. T.
3-Space In-Flow Theory of Gravity: Boreholes, Blackholes and the Fine Structure Constant  [ 430Kb ]

Robitaille P.-M.
The Solar Photosphere: Evidence for Condensed Matter  [ 62Kb ]

Robitaille P.-M.
An Analysis of Universality in Blackbody Radiation  [ 47Kb ]

Robertson G. A.
Exotic Material as Interactions Between Scalar Fields  [ 47Kb ]

Rabounski D. and Borissova L.
Exact Theory to a Gravitational Wave Detector. New Experiments Proposed  [ 153Kb ]

Shnoll S. E.
Changes in the Fine Structure of Stochastic Distributions as a Consequence of Space-Time Fluctuations  [ 84Kb ]

Castro C.
On the Coupling Constants, Geometric Probability and Complex Domains  [ 161Kb ]

Crothers S. J.
A Brief History of Black Holes  [ 53Kb ]

Smarandache F. and Christianto V.
The Neutrosophic Logic View to Schrödinger's Cat Paradox  [ 120Kb ]

Smarandache F. and Christianto V.
Schrödinger Equation and the Quantization of Celestial Systems  [ 97Kb ]

Stavroulakis N.
Non-Euclidean Geometry and Gravitation  [ 206Kb ]

Vikin B. P.
Gravitational Perturbations as a Possible Cause for Instability in the Measurements of Positron Annihilation  [ 162Kb ]

Lehnert B.
Photon Physics of Revised Electromagnetics  [ 127Kb ]

Castro C.
On Area Coordinates and Quantum Mechanics in Yang's Noncommutative Spacetime with a Lower and Upper Scale  [ 166Kb ]

Open Letter by the Editor-in-Chief
Declaracion de Libertad Academica: Derechos cientificos del Ser Humano (the Spanish translation of the Declaration of Academic Freedom)  [ 48Kb ]

2006, volume 1

Potter F.
Unification of Interactions in Discrete Spacetime  [ 102Kb ]

Lo C. Y.
On Interpretations of Hubble's Law and the Bending of Light  [ 84Kb ]

Smarandache F. and Rabounski D.
Unmatter Entities inside Nuclei, Predicted by the Brightsen Nucleon Cluster Model  [ 85Kb ]

Yershov V. N.
Fermions as Topological Objects  [ 389Kb ]

Cahill R. T.
Dynamical Fractal 3-Space and the Generalised Schrödinger Equation: Equivalence Principle and Vorticity Effects  [ 293Kb ]

Rabounski D.
Zelmanov's Anthropic Principle and the Infinite Relativity Principle  [ 143Kb ]

Castro C. and Mahecha J.
On Nonlinear Quantum Mechanics, Brownian Motion, Weyl Geometry and Fisher Information  [ 126Kb ]

Lo C. Y.
The Gravity of Photons and the Necessary Rectification of Einstein Equation  [ 102Kb ]

Rughede O. D.
On the Theory and Physics of the Aether  [ 100Kb ]

Open Letter by the Editor-in-Chief
Declaration of Academic Freedom (Scientific Human Rights)  [ 35Kb ]

2005, volume 3

Arp H.
Observational Cosmology: From High Redshift Galaxies to the Blue Pacific  [ 154Kb ]

Crothers S. J.
On the General Solution to Einstein's Vacuum Field for the Point-Mass when lambda λ≠0 and Its Consequences for Relativistic Cosmology  [ 155Kb ]

Ratcliffe H.
The First Crisis in Cosmology Conference. 
Monção, Portugal, June 2005  [ 82Kb ]

Cahill R. T.
The Michelson and Morley 1887 Experiment and the Discovery of Absolute Motion  [ 163Kb ]

Cahill R. T.
Gravity Probe B Frame-Dragging Effect  [ 328Kb ]

Oros di Bartini R.
Relations Between Physical Constants  [ 180Kb ]

Crothers S. J.
Introducing Distance and Measurement in General Relativity: Changes for the Standard Tests and the Cosmological Large-Scale  [ 138Kb ]

Dunning-Davies J.
A Re-Examination of Maxwell's Electrodynamics Equations  [ 74Kb ]

Cahill R. T.
Black Holes in Elliptical and Spiral Galaxies and in Globular Clusters  [ 206Kb ]

Gaastra E.
Is the Biggest Paradigm Shift in the History of Science at Hand?  [ 55Kb ]

Kozyrev N. A.
Sources of Stellar Energy and the Theory of the Internal Constitution of Stars  [ 519Kb ]

2005, volume 2

Crothers S. J.
On the Geometry of the General Solution for the Vacuum Field of the Point-Mass  [ 157Kb ]

Rabounski D.
A Theory of Gravity Like Electrodynamics  [ 210Kb ]

Borissova L.
Gravitational Waves and Gravitational Inertial Waves in the General Theory of Relativity: A Theory and Experiments  [ 326Kb ]

Castro C.
On Geometric Probability, Holography, Shilov Boundaries and the Four Physical Coupling Constants of Nature  [ 138Kb ]

Crothers S.
On the Generalisation of Kepler's 3rd Law for the Vacuum Field of the Point-Mass  [ 100Kb ]

Crothers S. J.
On the Vacuum Field of a Sphere of Incompressible Fluid  [ 109Kb ]

Harokopos E.
Power as the Cause of Motion and a New Foundation of Classical Mechanics  [ 109Kb ]

Capozziello S., De Martino S., and Tzenov S.
Hydrodynamic Covariant Symplectic Structure from Bilinear Hamiltonian Functions  [ 125Kb ]

Rabounski D., Borissova L., and Smarandache F.
Entangled Particles and Quantum Causality Threshold in the General Theory of Relativity  [ 139Kb ]

Cahill R. T and Klinger C. M.
Bootstrap Universe from Self-Referential Noise  [ 94Kb ]

Smarandache F.
Verifying Unmatter by Experiments, More Types of Unmatter, and a Quantum Chromodynamics Formula  [ 140Kb ]

2005, volume 1

Rabounski D.
A New Method to Measure the Speed of Gravitation  [ 85Kb ]

Smarandache F.
Quantum Quasi-Paradoxes and Quantum Sorites Paradoxes  [ 39Kb ]

Smarandache F.
A New Form of Matter — Unmatter, Composed of Particles and Anti-Particles  [ 55Kb ]

Nottale L.
Fractality Field in the Theory of Scale Relativity  [ 85Kb ]

Borissova L. and Rabounski D.
On the Possibility of Instant Displacements in the Space-Time of General Relativity  [ 82Kb ]

Castro C.
On Dual Phase-Space Relativity, the Machian Principle and Modified Newtonian Dynamics  [ 151Kb ]

Castro C. and Pavšič M.
The Extended Relativity Theory in Clifford Spaces  [ 341Kb ]

Dombrowski K.
Rational Numbers Distribution and Resonance  [ 126Kb ]

Crothers S. J.
On the General Solution to Einstein's Vacuum Field and Its Implications for Relativistic Degeneracy  [ 106Kb ]

Crothers S. J.
On the Ramifications of the Schwarzschild Space-Time Metric  [ 125Kb ]

Shnoll S. E., Rubinshtein I. A., Zenchenko K. I., Shlekhtarev V. A., Kaminsky A. V., Konradov A. A., and Udaltsova N. V.
Experiments with Rotating Collimators Cutting out Pencil of Alpha-Particles at Radioactive Decay of 239-Pu Evidence Sharp Anisotropy of Space  [ 114Kb ]

Smarandache F.
There Is No Speed Barrier for a Wave Phase Nor for Entangled Particles  [ 47Kb ]

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