A Riot Of Our Own
By Johnny Green & Gary Barker 1997

Passed on from my windswept Backpool collaborator Mitch Elsden. This cartoony
paperback collects together the thoughts and views by one of the Clash's roadies, a
Mr Johnny Green.
Greeny humped cabs, collected fast food takeaways and generally wiped the
Westways noses from 1977 - 1979. This was gonna be I had hoped a real full
bloodied Insight into the Strurnrner & Jones urban commando roadshow. But alas
that wasn't to be coz 'A Riot Of Our Own' was dissapointingly a far way less
melodramatic affair than the cinematic 'Rudeboy' scenario. Maybe real life is just
bland. What we do get is a focused life of the dogsbody, cum official roadie, cum
tour manager side of the coin. If you want a band insight this ain't it. It's a web of
anecdotes and experiences gained from arseing around with the seminal Camden
based punk outfit. There's plenty of rehearsal room views and atmosphere but the
actual bands character are still as big of a mystery after reading this as ever. If you
want an indepth Clash perspective your way better stepping into the monster of 'Last
Gang In Town' released a year earlier. Maybe it was coz the Clash had grown up too
quick by the time our hero had hitched a ride on the back of their combat fatigues, or
they didn't have such outstanding personalities as the Damned or the Pistols to
make a big impact on this book? Even with a Joe Strummer forward and Ray Lowry
graphics this couldn't be saved from being a bit dull for the time and read just like an average roadcrew tale. 
(**) £8.99 ISBNO-57540080-3
Peter Don't Care
A Riot Of Our Own
HATE RATES....       ***** BIBLE     **** TABLOID     *** COMIC     ** CHIP PAPER     * PULP