2/2/07: Well, a lot has gone on since the last update. Krystal and I are still together, even though we were seperated for a few weeks. I love her, and even though we weren't together...It showed, at least to me it did. I am working at UPS, still. I load trucks, 50C, 50D, and 50E. I've loaded those since mid October. I jot this down incase years from now, I can reflect on this. Double D (Donny Davis) is probably one of my new good friends now. Even though we don't hang out, outside of work. I'm still going to school, and my brother is about to move into a mobile home, by Alicia's grandparents. Yeah, that's about it for now I guess.

                                      For now,
                                            Rhyme Masta Robert

    Source: geocities.com/punkman4069