

With the grace of God and Guru, this site has come into being.

I would like to thank H.H. Shri RaghuNathlalji (Kamvan / Bombay), H.H. Shri Mathureshwarji, H.H. Shri Indirabetiji and H.H. Shri Gokulottasavji for their guidence and encouragement in this endevor.

A very heartfelt "thank you" goes out to Shri Amitbhai Ambalal of Ahemdabad in Gujarat. He has very kindly given us the permission to use the pictures from his excellent book, Krishna as ShriNathji.

I would also like to thank the Vaishnav Youth Circle (UK) and Bhagwat Shah for contributing articles for this site.

Friends and visitors such as Parul, Tejas Shroff of OnTime (Bombay), Deepak Bhatia (Gulf), Jayesh Ghandi (Houston) and Nish Patel (UK) have also contributed pictures and articles to the site.  We are also very grateful to Shyamdas for generously devoting his time and energy to translating numerous works of Pushti Marg and publishing them on-line for the benefit of us all.


If you too would like to send in articles or pictures, please send them to our Geocities account,



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