Will the Weregecko
Prior Affiliations: A.S.S.H.O.L.E.
Reason for leaving said affiliations: Death of the H.O.L.E.
Reason for Joining FUBAR: The shameless promotion of strawberries multi-verse wide!
FUBAR Title: Head FUBAR Product Analyst
FUBAR Job: Check out/purchase possible products from FUBAR use, mainly from KADMI, and dish out killer smoothies periodically, and as payment to KADMI.
Job Description: Buy stuff, make smoothies.
Hobbies: Smoothies, rampant infidel destruction
Your quest in life: Spread Strawberry goodness to the masses!
Favorite Color: Red
The air speed velocity of an unladen swallow: Not as fast as it would be going had it consumed one of Will's Ball-Buster Berry Smoothies with Extra Laxatives while heading for the bathroom, but faster than it would be gonig had it consumed one of Will's Gut-Crusher Crampmeister Berry Blend with Cyanide Extract, I.E. SPEEDY!
FUBAR Characters
Fuzzy, Wuzzy, and Gan