Prior Affiliations: LotMU, society of right-wing-anti-governmental-environmental-nutjob-who-would-destroy-the-very-fabric-of-soc

iety-and-all-the-people-held-dear-if-he-ever-got-his-paws-onto-anything type people

Reason for leaving said affiliations: 1. Disbandment of society of right-wing-anti-governmental-environmental-nutjob-who-would-destroy-the-very-fabric-of-soc

iety-and-all-the-people-held-dear-if-he-ever-got-his-paws-onto-anything type people caused by my getting us involved with the LotMU, and my successful LotMU Mission!  2. The Fall of the LotMU Revival and the arrival of Jim Strange.

Reason for Joining FUBAR:  1. To Bring Forth the Mighty Mighty Uber-smite-y Wrath of the Ninja. 2. Why Not? 3. Never get in a land war with Asia. 4. Never go up against a sicillian when death is on the line. 5. My master bid me go join.

FUBAR Title: The Happy Karaoke Ninja/Contra Badass

FUBAR Job: Defacto Leader of all the LotFU Fighting Forces/Vengeance Specialist

Job Description: 1.Deciding what the FUBAR Ninja/LotFU Martial Artists do, and assigning targets to the Clan of a Thousand IOUs for Elimination.  I also handle press releases and advertising for the clan.  2. I am the chief Vengeance Specialist, specializing in serving and dispensing Vengeance.  Ex: Many people say that Revenge is a dish best served cold...this is incorrect, it is actually best chilled to 66 degrees.

Hobbies: Contra, Badly Dubbed Ass-whuppin, I make nice hats.

Your quest in life: 1. To defeat the White Ninja. 2. To Beat Contra without the Thirty Lives cheat. 3. VENGEANCE!!!

Favorite Color: Invisible

The air speed velocity of an unladen swallow: If the swallow is unladen, then this also requires a lack of Saliva and Phlegm.  The impossibility of a Swallow without the proper mixture of Saliva and Phlegm states you have discovered the Grossiologically impossible "Dry Swallow"...a phenomena whose speed is, as of this time, unknown.
FUBAR Characters
The Clan of a Thousand IOU's