SI: Nihilist

Designation: Villian
Played By: Nihilist
Kit: Gadgeteer
Wins: 5
Fatalaties: 2
Losses: 3
Freelance Villain

Physical Attributes

Strength: Weak (10)
BELOW normal human strength - can bench press 50 pounds (maybe).

Strength Attack Damage: Weak

Agility: Standard (25)
normal human agility

Body: Weak (10)
BELOW normal human endurance - Goes down easy

Knocked Out by: 1 unprotected Weak level hit
or several lesser attacks adding to same.

Mind: Supreme (75)
Brilliant to the point of supra-genius.

Background: A great many villains have deep dark reasons for doing what they do. Often mistreated by their parents, locked away, beaten and abused, it’s inevitable that their thoughts turn inwards. Festering in the dark, unlocking the madness deep within all of us is but a matter of time for these people. They are not truly evil. Their actions might be, but it is rare for the mind behind the actions to be a working whole. More often, it is a fractured intelligence, the splintered shards of its former intellect falling this way and that within the tattered remnants of its owners psyche. Insanity isn’t evil. Insanity doesn’t have a purpose, or a will. The eyes of a maniac may indeed burn brightly, but it is an empty flame. Look through the stare of a zealot, and all you see beyond is empty rhetoric and submission to the will of another. Anybody can be mad. Few people can be truly evil. Am I one of those? From your perspective, quite possibly. But then, I’m going to kill you. You’re bound to be biased. Why am I going to kill you? You bore me. You, like everybody else in this abysmal ecuse for a reality, are stupid, ignorant, and a worthless waste of both flesh and soul. All of this reality is flawed, and a known mistake should be rectified. If creation is ruined, we should start over. Time to wipe the slate clean.

Character Personality
For the record, I’m not such a bad guy. I firmly believe in the sanctity of life. But this isn’t life. No one thinks, no one evolves. All anyone ever does is repackage the same bland homogenised junk they were spoon fed as a child, before spitting it down the throats of the next generation. An endless succession of slack jawed automatons, blindly enthralled by the flickering images of the latest game show. Every spark of creativity and intelligence long since swamped by the forever rising tide of banal slush that we like to call modern living. This is not life, this is a living death. So if I choose to destroy it, it is not murder. Moreover, I doubt anyone will even notice. Including you.

Powers and Abilities

Mental Defence

Power: Mental Defense
Level: Superior
I don’t have any special powers. I wasn’t fed serum X when I was a baby, nor are my parents super beings from another dimension. I’m a human being, the same as you. Well, not quite. You see, to my eyes, you’re a moronic waste of tissue, who should be ground up for food. After all, it’s the only way we’ll get some use from your pathetic carcass. At least I have the ability to think, and actually use the brain I have in my skull. So there is no way I’m going to let you, or any other ‘empath’ affect my mind. This is my head, and if you know what’s good for you, you’ll stay out of it. I’ve been battling against the ignorance of my peers and my supposed betters for years. In a battle of wills, not only am I stronger, I’ve had far more practise at this than you.


Killing Machine

Power: Disintegration
Level: Ultimate
Kit Power Link: Gadgeteer

Advantage: Area Effect This attack causes damage in a large, circular area.
Advantage: Ranged and Melee Attack! Attack is equally effective at range and up close.
Advantage: Armor Piercing This attack ignores normal defenses which are not Reinforced.
An amazing thing, science. Given the state that most of humanity seems to be in, it continually amazes me how far mankind has evolved in such a short space of time. But don’t flatter yourself that this is anything to do with you. Your contributions to the human race are minimal at best. At worst, as is so often the case on this depressing plane of reality, you merely serve as an example of the useless flesh sacks that litter this world. Which is why I’ve invented this. I suppose I could give it a fancy name, but why bother? I’m never going to talk to any of you about it, merely use it to remove you from existence. The power of this machine of mine is amazing. It slices, it dices, through walls, floors, blood, bone, tissue, brain... you can’t hide from me any longer. No matter how much armour you put between us, I’ll catch up with you. And I WILL kill you. You don’t deserve anything more. Count yourself lucky that I’m not sadistic as well as homicidal. At least it won’t hurt. You’ll just disappear into a cloud of superheated water vapour and carbon dioxide. Am I not merciful?


Exploiting the obvious

Power: Tactician
Level: Ultimate
Kit Power Link: Gadgeteer

I’m not stupid. I know that in this endless herd of blank eyed zombies, hypnotised by the TV screen and the fast food meal, there are those of you that are bigger, stronger, and faster than me. But you aren’t smarter. Why would I let you get close enough to hit me? Why would I put myself in a situation where you were even ABLE to try and dodge my attacks? When I come for you, you won’t expect it. You won’t have the time to prepare yourself, or say goodbye to your loved ones. I will strike from behind, I will strike from cover, and I will strike without warning. I could make things more interesting by letting you know I was coming, but I am not a comic book villain. I won’t give you a chance. Nor will I take you prisoner and explain my plans to you. This is the really really real world. And you are really going to die.


Booby traps

Power: Weapons Creation
Level: Superior
Advantage: Area Effect This attack causes damage in a large, circular area.
When I started killing your kind, I put effort into it. I thought that even for you, some form of survival instinct would over ride your usual slack jawed stupor. So I was careful. I spent month’s carefully designing and building bombs and such like. I ensured that the triggers had back ups, and that nothing could be traced back to me. I got very good at it. Bomb making isn’t a hard skill to master. Well, for anyone with half a brain anyway. Which I guess rules you out, doesn’t it? Watching thoughts form inside your empty skull is like watching glacial drift, only slower. Nowadays I’ve realised that I don’t need to expend so much effort in destroying you and your worthless brethren. Most of the time I can just leave a bomb in the street, with a sign on the detonator reading ‘do not press’. It almost always works. Once again humanity, your capacity to be act like the apes you’re supposed to have evolved from surpasses itself. And still you wonder what you have done to deserve death.