Putnam County ABATE

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Dedicated to Freedom of the Roads

Here are pictures of this year's annual Paws-N-Claws Run.

Here are pictures of past meetings and runs.

The Elections are in June. Show up...vote...then click here to see a list of the new officers.

Here are some pictures of December's Regular Meeting, which was followed by our annual Christmas Dinner. On the right we see State President "Doc" Reichenbach addressing the meeting.


You can click on the pictures to see them full sized.


If you missed the meeting, you missed three things: Great Fellowship, a cash drawing (neither of the two names drawn were in attendance, so the prize will be larger at the January meeting), and some terrific food.






June 1st....Board Meeting....10:00 am....The Cheyenne Saloon

June 1st....Regular Meeting...12:00 noon...The Cheyenne Saloon


June 14th-15th...State Meeting

June 29th....Turkey Hunt


I will add locations and details as I learn them....stay tuned!!!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Want to see if any ABATE friends are online in the Putnam County ABATE Chatroom? Click here: Putnam County ABATE Chat Room.

All you need to do to enter is register your chat room nickname and password.


Coming soon....A Memorial Page for Lost Brothers and Sisters.....A pictorial page dedicated to the memory of Brothers and Sisters who were a part of Putnam County ABATE. NOTICE: Anybody with pictures of lost brothers or sisters please get in touch with Bill "Gator" Greene in order to add them to the page.


Helmet Laws Stink!!!


Click here to visit the Official ABATE Of Florida web site.
State Website

Click here to read The History of ABATE.
History of ABATE

Another History of ABATE site.
History of ABATE by Mark

Here are other MRO sites.
MRO Links I

Another MRO links site.
MRO Links II.


Any and all contributions to ABATE of Florida, INC., are not tax deductible


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