Chapter: December 2007

Sunday, 23 December 2007
Song Playing... NONE

'COOL'! I realised tt I haf nt bn blogging for soo long. I wun be surprised if this is gg to be my last entry of the year.

This yr had nt bn a gd year for me. Nth seems rite and I can't be bothered for a lot of things. Frankly speaking I had become lazy. Sigh... Had bn dreaming of freedom... Had a lot less time since I started working and I yearn to return to sch despite lack of $$$ for sch fees. Currently, I'm considering whether or nt shld I enroll for courses and which courses shld I take. The area I'm working OR an area I want to explore despite having it tough in theory. Many things I yearn to try but yet it was hesitation and my lack of determination deterred me from it.

I'm pretty obsessed in making X'mas cards surprisingly. It took me an aftnn to finish 3 cards for my colleagues. Shld I make 1 for my supervisor? I duno what kind of img shld I use? I gt another cards pending in progress lacking in resources. I reali hope I can complete tt.

Hopefully, I can win sth gd which I desired from tmr party keke...

Munching cakes @ 8.46pm

Sunday, 9 December 2007
Song Playing... RIZE - LADY LOVE

I can't believe me and my family can be super sway this yr. Nth seems rite for us.

This morning, my dad ran into accident. His car was crashed onto the wall due to the crashing force at the back by another car. Nw, the car was battered. Glad tt dad wasn't hurt which is great. We rather lose the car than lose any1. Now, we have a headache to get compensation from the lady who caused the accident. According to dad, the lady had given him her contact and info. It was rarely, we will mit helpful guy. Another driver helped my dad to take photos of the aftermath. Will be taking my 2nd but official annual leave to hlp my dad.

It may be a bad time for me to take leave as my boss had some issue to settle with his customer. I 'argued' with him on Sat in anxiety as I dun want to do OT. I believe the info is inaccurate. An estimation shld be gd enough for the time being. I still did OT until 1+. Luckily, a colleague is willing to drive me to town although it was still far from my destination. I ended up at the post office when it was closed. I shld haf realised Bras Brasah PO was closed earlier. Sigh... Nth seems rite.

On the other hand, it may b a gd time for me to take leave (planned urgent leave) as I can settle all my issues in 1 shot. Settle my dad's car, purchase stamps for official use, pick up envelopes from bank, shopping for my stationaries for own use. It was time as I reali dun have enough time for all these things.

How can I change our luck for the better? I wish I can strike 4D. Nth seems rite especially this yr.

Munching cakes @ 11.37pm