Chapter: February 2008

Thursday, 21 February 2008
Song Playing... None

L Movie starts today. Looking forward to it since I watched the trailer on TV. The bg music alerted me of it on TV keke... Shall wait to wait with Ina and Shan as we did with the previous 2 movies.

Is Carameldansen, the hit in Japan? I saw a no of videos from various anime whose characters were dancing with the music (I had it in my blog . It seems fun haha.

I want my bed.. Juz luv to slp late then whines abt slpiness.

Munching cakes @ 9.43pm

Saturday, 16 February 2008
Song Playing... OLIVIA inspi'REIRA(TRAPNEST) - Starless Night

I'll say this wk was rather long. 1stly, it as awfully boring at work. Due to CNY, certain tasks can't be performed. My colleague was complaining abt it. Wat to do? Obey the instruction. She wasn't happy as she was given a mountain of new tasks as a colleague resigned. Too bad I cldn't hlp much as I'm nt doing a/c and I'm sure I'm nt interested in tt area.

To tink Rin-chan was interested in HR. At least if she venture into tt area, I'll b able to discuss more with her. I decided tt I dun wanna do admin shld I gt my nxt job. I had bn thinking, shld I try for uni? the deadline is nxt wk. If I'm gg to try, gt to do it within these few days. Shld I receive a thin envelope, I'll noe. Darn.. the sch fee is increasing every yr.

Feeling less motivated than the 2 wks b4 CNY. I felt so bored tt I even haf the time to watch Code Geass in office. Yeah, hooked to it once more than I bot all the NT and Animage for Feb and recently relased March issue. Another motivator was Gundam 00. I was surprised to c Tiera to be higher up in ranking in NT chara poll than the other 3 which we felt tt they shld b more popular. The popularity among the 4 guys is intense. As Taku said, they r counting down. It wld seem tt they "fought" hard to only reach 2nd which is obviously Soran (Setsuna - 1 milk). Bt the Black Prince seems to be "infallible" . I studied on hw to read Jap, the prince was on the 1st position for 15 mths so does Kira-sama previously. Nw, Kira-sama is ranked No. 4. Nxt mth, the prince wld haf overtaken Kira-sama. There is no way he will drop. Minna-san reali lol abt it today at Kk. I reali drool at the fact that 3 of my fave chara currently all on top 20. Tiera (1/2 milk) is "pretty". He reminded me of some1.. hmm... "Ren Yao" was wat they call him. Allelujah (worth 3 stars) is more popular than Lockon (worth 5 stars - was it milk?). I was lol when I saw the ep where their 2 Gundams were "hugging" each other on their mission. Tsubasa Chronicle in Animage features the vampire twins . Luv both the twins.. while minna-san prefer Kamui who is more cool which I haf to admit.. trying nt to put him & Lulu together plus Kamui was voiced my Setsuna, Light's VA .

This wk I reali spreed on the magazines aft 1.5mths being lack of anime while getting obsessed wif old mediacorp dramas. Reali enjoyed it. Nostalgia is the word. They all teased me on hw to go bankrupt to like both Gundam 00 and Code Geass. Darn... Who ask me to fall for the main chara.. too bad. Really wish wkend wun end.

Munching cakes @ 11.52pm

Sunday, 10 February 2008
Song Playing... Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS Sound Track Plus Vol.1 - 13 - Taisetsu na Koto

4 days of CNY ended... badly...

I was looking forward to the new yr expecting better luck since me & my family had bn down on luck lately. Many bad things had happened. I even intend to go for fortune reading.

My parents had it worse.. They had lost a few hundred on mahjong games (almost my 1/2 mth salary) proclaiming themselves as God of Fortune. So does me and my bro. Sigh... Expected from the saying tt my yr tis yr will be worse than the previous. Let's c hw I can survive this freaking yr of rat.

WTH... Lost big bucks in bj. Every yr, I tends to win less or lose more. The latter was more frequent. Hopefuli there will be more sessions tis yr. Last yr it was so damn boring as we only played for the 1st 2 days & tt's it. *Yawns*

We went to M'sia Kukup for a holidays.. Usual routine, eat, play, slp which is in fact better than work. lol! I'm qt a coward in terms of playing fireworks. In M'sia, u haf no prob in releasing a firework to the sky as wat u c in Marina Bay although it will be in a smaller scale. U'll be surprised. Try releasing the firework of the same scale in S'pore & gt prepared to be hunted down by the police muahahaha! Waiting for YW & YJ to send me the videos

Looking forward to lotsa fun & better luck.. I wish...

Munching cakes @ 11.59pm

Sunday, 3 February 2008
Song Playing... Mai-HiME Original Soundtrack Vol. 2 - 25 - Omoi, Hakanaku...

Yawns! I wish there is no work tmr... I juz wish for more slp.. I'm a lazy bum.

Went shopping wif Ina. I did the shopping, Ina done the selection. At last I find sth for CNY thanks to Ina. I sure want to buy a lot of clothes. Ina was rite, if I hardly do shopping, might as well gt them in 1 shot nw .

I often had a lot on my mind which I want to blog them bt somehw I kept forgetting when I'm blogging rite nw. Perhaps, I shld kip a diary.. Well, I'm nt some1 wif lots of commitment.

Work wise, I had asked for a lot. It din bode well. My lot is a bad one. It's better for me to stay on to my job for another few mths. I haf nth against my job except tt I'm reali jealous of my frens whose co pays them better while working on 5 days while I haf to work 5.5 days on alt wks.. I feel v tired (same salary for 5 days work wk job will def look attractive). I was reprimanded by an ex-colleague. Unless I buck up, there is no way I can survive out there. Y will a co pay me more. I dun haf luck like some ppl. My indecisiveness will be my downfall indeed.

Hope to finish up my drama from mobtv. I want to go back to my anime.. Hehe.. Gundam 00. Pretty hooked on it aft watching the MV of the 2nd OP & ED actuali . Eto.. nt bcoz of tt reason Ina had on her mind... I dotz... There's nth wrong to adore tt 'potato face' haha. He is my 1st fig I gt for the yr with my own luck hehheh... I'm gg to burn hole in my wallet for sure... The voice idoll . I'm nt sure if I will change my mind hehe... Initially, tryin to like Allelujah.. Din work.. I like 'potato' better. It had bn a while since I reali hooked on to an anime aft DGM. Lavi

Munching cakes @ 11.59pm