Casey's Ice Cream Parlor
Casey's Ice Cream Parlor is a favorite among Sweet Valley residents to catch up on the latest gossip - and of course, have some delicious ice cream.  In Sweet Valley Central,  this page will be for all those odds and ends floating around.  On this page, you can read recent updates on the site,  visit some other great SV websites, participate in The Sweet Valley Votecaster, and much more. Don't forget to sign the guestbook before you leave ! 

A website is never done, you always work on it. That's what my friend told me.  Just so you know, there are many pages on this site that are still under construction.
* Character Profiles
* Galleries
* Sweet Valley Twins
* Sweet Valley Junior High
* Sweet Valley High
* Sweet Valley Senior Year
* Sweet Valley University
* Links
Keep in mind that I will be updating every page on the site frequently, so check back often for new updates !

Where is Senior Year ?
When I first designed this website, there wasn't Senior Year.  Yes, those were the days when Jessica and Elizabeth were juniors for years and years.  I read a Senior Year book, and really didn't like it all that much.  So this website won't have anything on Senior Year, but there are lots of websites out there strictly for Senior Year, so you should check those out !

New Look.  New Layout.
This website started out very plain.  I didn't know a thing about websites, but now I do. The new version is much better than the older one.

Look at all those Links !

When I first designed my site, the Links page only had a couple of lonely links.  There weren't that many Sweet Valley websites out there, but now, there are soo many !

The Big Story

Where did I go after December of 2000 ?  Well...I got very busy with school, and some of my other websites, and I kind of drifted away from Sweet Valley.  I still can't believe it.  I used to be one of the biggest Sweet Valley fans, reading those books all day long in the summer.  But, now school's over, and I'm again loving Sweet Valley !  I went out to celebrate and bought 3 new books and got some from the library.  Okay...a while back, I was cleaning out my computer files, and deleted all of the Sweet Valley pictures !  We're talking 50 pictures that I had spent hours looking for.  Why did I delete them ?  I thought, I haven't worked on the site since December, so I'm probably done with it.  Well, today and yesterday, I've been looking for pictures, and I am working so hard on this site.  I know it will never be as nice as some of those great SV sites out there, but hey, I can still try. 

E-mail Sweet Valley Central !
   The Sweet Valley Votecaster
