Mrs.Garrett and the Girls
There's a place you've got to go for learning
all you want to know about the facts of life,
the facts of life.
When books are what you're there about,
and looks are what you care about,
the time is right,
to learn the facts of life.
When the world never seems,
to be living up to your dreams,
it's time you started finding out
what everything is all about.
When the boys you used to hate you date,
I guess you best investigate the facts of life,
you gotta get 'em right,
the facts of life.
Peekskill Press
Edna's Edibles
Over Our Heads
season one
seasons two-nine
You take the good,
you take the bad,
you take them both,
and there you have
the facts of life,
the facts of life.
There's a time you got to go and show
you're growin' now you know about
the facts of life,
the facts of life.
When the world never seems,
to be living up to your dreams,
and suddenly you're finding out
the facts of life are all about you, you.
It takes a lot to get 'em right
when you're learning the facts of life.
Learning the facts of life,
learning the facts of life.
You'll avoid a lot of damages
and enjoy the fun of managing the facts of life
; they shed a lot of light.
If you hear them from your brother,
better clear them with your mother,
better get them right,
call her late at night.
You got the future in the palm of your hands,
all you gotta do to get you through is understand.
You think you rather do without,
you will never make without the truth,
the facts of life is all about you.
seasons two-nine end credits