Professionally Wired Federation-Clan
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January 7th, 2004 -
In case you did not know, PWF WA! and the WA! clan was a plan that fell through as no one decided to join.  Therefore, I am finally making the announcement on the site that PWF and the subsequent clan have been terminated.  In other words, neither myself, Zack, or Zer0 are pursuing the PWF any longer. 

Should With Authority! support return and begin to be produced again, this may all change as we have to retain our reputation.  However, until that day, PWF is no more.

I'd like to thank everyone who has ever been in PWF for their time and dedication through the good and the bad.  I will remember almost each moment for quite some time as I truly believed in PWF.

Good luck to everyone in the future and thank you again.

~Owner/Chairman of PWF
A History of the PWF Clan
PWF was originally conceived as a Faction for a WWE Strategy Card Game called With Authority!  The founder of that faction was a man named Zer0.  The faction fluorished and became the largest and longest running faction in the history of With Authority!.  Throughout the first year, there were many shifts of ownership over the faction, which ended up in the hands of two men; Zack T and Foley.  They still control PWF to this day, almost 2 and a half years after the founding of PWF.  However, due to unexpected events, With Authority! production stopped and the community died forcing PWF to struggle to survive amongst the remaining players of With Authority!  Eventually, people disassociated themselves with PWF due to With Authority!'s demise and PWF was forced to close.  Will With Authority! ever start up again?  Probably not.  However, should that day ever happen, With Authority! will have to make way for PWF once more!